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Diana, Goddess of the Hunt — for Ancestors!
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Every-Name Index
Every-Name Index to Family Group Sheets:  Sti thru Sz
A Ba Be-Bl Bo Br-Bro Bru-Bz Ca-Cl Co-Cz Da-De Di-Dy E F Ga-Gl Go-Gw Haa-Han Har-Haz He-Hi Hoa-Hop Hor-Hy  I  J K
La-Le Li-Ly Mac/Mc Ma-Me Mi-Mz N O P Q Ra-Ri Roa-Ror Ros Rot-Ry Sa-Se Sh-Sl Sm-So Sp-Ste Sti-Sz T U V Wa-Wh Wi-Wz Y Z
For purposes of alphabetizing, minor variations in the spelling of names are ignored.  Within each given name, entries are chronological, regardless of variations in spelling of the given name or the presence of a middle name or initial.  Children known to have died before coming of age are not indexed.  A trick for using this index (if you have your browser's "Status Bar" visible):  Position your cursor over a name, but without clicking on it.  The name of the family group sheet the individual is on will appear in the Status Bar.

STICKNEY, Elizabeth  (c1748-    ) 

STIEBRITZ, Janet M.  (c1940s-    )
STIEBRITZ, Muriel A.  (c1940s-    )
STIEBRITZ, Sue E.  (c1940s-    )
STIEBRITZ, Walter, Sr.  (c1908-    )
STIEBRITZ, Walter, Jr.  (c1940s-    )

STIER, Amanda M.  (1853-1912)
STIFF, Neina?/Nina?  (1892/3-    ) 
STIEFHAUS?, George  (1857-    )

STIFFLER, Adaline/Adeline  (1852/3-    ) 
STIFFLER, Adaline  (1860-    ) 
STIFFLER, Allison Franklin  (1858/9-    )
STIFFLER, Amanda "Manda"  (1843/4-    ) 
STIFFLER, Catharine  (1844/5-    ) 
STIFFLER, Dennison  (1837/8-    ) 
STIFFLER, Elizabeth  (1841/2-    ) 
STIFFLER, Elizabeth  (1856/7-    ) 
STIFFLER, George C.  (1820/1-    ) 
STIFFLER, John  (1838/9-    ) 
STIFFLER, Joseph  (1843-    ) 
STIFFLER, Nancy  (1851/2-    ) 
STIFFLER, Orlando  (1855/6-    ) 
STIFFLER, Paul  (1814-1875) 
STIFFLER, Peter  (1846/7-    ) 
STIFFLER, Susanna "Susan"  (1831-    ) 
STIFFLER, Susanna S. "Susan"  (1848/9-    ) 
STIFFLER, William  (1841-    ) 

STIGER, Mary  (c1790-    )

STILES, Henry  (1786/7-    )
STILES, Joseph G.  (c1800s-    )
STILES, Royal  (1791-1842)
STILES, Sarah  (c1799-    )

STILL, Ama  (1861/2-    )
STILL, Angeline  (1866/7-    )
STILL, Cyrus  (c1832-    )
STILL, Ida  (1867/8-    )
STILL, Jacob  (c1795-    )
STILL, Josephine  (1857/8-    )
STILL, Leticia / Letitia  (1781-    )
STILL, Margaret "Maggie"  (1865/6-    )
STILL, Mary  (1863/4-    )
STILL, Melvina  (1856/7-    )
STILL, Minnie C.  (1874/5-    )
STILL, Rebecca  (1854/5-    )
STILL, Solomon  (1830/1-1876)
STILL, Stephen  (1859-    )
STILL, Virginia  (1870/1-    )

STILLE, Anna Friedericke  (c1850s-    )
STILLWELL, Eleanor  (1797-1872) 
STILLWELL, Lillian E.  (1864-    ) 
STILSON, Harriet  (c1800s-    )
STINCHCOMB, Helen (c1700s-1784) 
STINER, Henry  (1834/5-    )
STINGER, Clara  (1841/2-    )
STINNER, J. [male]  (1810/1-    )

STINSON, Isaac  (c1789-    )
STINSON, John  (c1794-    )

STIREWALD, Alvera  (1861/2-    )

STIRLING, Katherine  (c1450s-    ) 
STIRLING, Minnie D.  (1879-    )
STIRLING, Stephen Cobb  (1847-1926) 

STIRN, Rosina  (c1840s-    )

STIRNEMAN, Adolf / Adolph  (1883-1967)
STIRNEMAN, Emma  (1889-1967)
STIRNEMAN, Fred  (1881-1965)
STIRNEMAN, Frieda / Frida / Freda  (1888-    )
STIRNEMAN, Fritz Gottlieb  (1877-1939)
STIRNEMANN, Gottlieb / Godfrey  (1854-1917)
STIRNEMAN, Hedwig / Hedvig / Hedwik  (1896/7-1968)
STIRNEMAN, John  (1892-1967)
STIRNEMAN, Otto  (1885-1963) 

STITE / STITES / STITZ, Eva Catharina "Kate"  (1838/9-    ) 
STITELY, Sarah "Sally"  (c1809/10-    ) 

STITLE, Joseph  (1842/3-    ) 
STITLE, Mary  (1841-    ) 
STITLE, Samuel  (1790s-1840s) 

STITT, Ida Estelle  (1845-    ) 
STITT, Seth Bunker (c1810s-    ) 
STITZLE, Charles Oscar  (1904-1979)
STIVERSON, Mary Jane  (1828-1903) — David6, George5 STIVERSON, George4, Balthazar3, Peter2, Dominic Balthazar1 STUYVESANT
STOCK, Paulina / Pauline  (1873/4-     ) 
STOCKARD, Mary  (1760-1830)
STOCKBRIDGE, Emma  (1775-1857) 
STOCKBRIDGE, Mary  (1735/6-1784)

STOCKDALE, Frederick P.  (1895-    )
STOCKDALE, John  (c1760s-    )
STOCKDELL, John  (1865/6-    )
STOCKDALE, Nora / Norah  (1898-    )
STOCKDALE, William  (c1870s-    )

STOCKE, Martha  (c1780s-    ) 

STOCKLEY, Comfort Nock  (c1757-1823)
STOCKLEY / STOCKLY, Mary "Molly"  (1770s/80s-    )
STOKELY, Mary  (1812-1868) 
STOCKLEY, Rachel  (c1730s-    ) 

STOCKMAN, James Campbell  (1830-1909)

STOCKTON, Catherine Cox  (c1826-    )
STOCKTON, Davis  (1686-1869) 
STOCKTON, Davis  (c1759-    ) 
STOCKTON, Elizabeth "Betsy"  (c1714-    ) 
STOCKTON?, Rebecca  (1858/9-    )
STOCKTON, Samuel  (c1720s-    ) 
STOCKTON, Samuel C.  (c1814-    ) 

STODDARD, Clara  (1820-    ) 
STODDARD, Clare M.  (1858/9-    ) 
STODDARD, Elizabeth Stillman  (1823-1883)
STODDARD, Eugene  (1847/8-    )
STODDARD, Hammond  (1810-    ) 
STODDARD, Hannah  (1826-    ) 
STODDARD, Harriet  (1814-    ) 
STODDARD, [Harriet] Hattie  (1851/2-    )
STODDARD, Ida  (c1850s-    ) 
STODDARD, Jane  (1818-    ) 
STODDARD, Jennie  (1867/8-    )
STODDARD, Jesse  (1792-c1860)
STODDARD, Julia Maria  (1834-    ) 
STODDARD, Julia E.  (1846/7-    )
STODDARD, Martha  (c1800s-    ) 
STODDART / STODDARD, Mary  (1802/3-1850s) 
STODDARD, Mary Jane  (1831-    ) 
STODDARD, Minerva Antoinette  (1820-    ) 
STODDARD, Sarah Miranda  (1812-    ) 
STODDARD, Seth  (1744-1828) 
STODDARD, Seth  (1816-    )
STODDARD, Union [female]  (c1730-    )
STODDARD, William  (1789-    ) 
STODDARD, William  (1821-1873)
STODDARD, William Moses  (1828-    )

STODGHILL, Ambrose  (1740-1789)
STODGHILL, Ambrose  (1780-1812)
STODGHILL, Ambrose Winston  (1811-1895)
STODGHILL / STARGEL, David  (1801/3-1898)
STODGHILL / STODGEL, George N.  (1812-    )
STODGHILL, Joannah  (1803-    )
STODGEL, Julia Ann  (1839/40-    ) 
STODGHILL, Martha Ann  (1800/3-1877)
STODGEL, Susan P.  (1804-    )
STODGHILL, William M.  (1809-1859)

STOERMER, Charles  (1874/5-    ) 
STOERMER, Emma  (1879-    ) 
STOERMER, Freidrich/Fredrich/Fredrick  (1880-    ) 
STOERMER/STORMER, Herman  (1850-    )
STOERMER, Pauline  (1873-    ) 

STOERZBACH, (Hans) Frantz  (1587-1626/7) 
STOERZBACH, Margaretha  (1623-    ) 

STIVER, Dianna  (1827-1907)
STAVER, Eliza  (1824-1915) 
STOEVER, Johann Friederich  (1794-1870) 
STOEVER, Anna Maria  (1745/6- ) 

STOFFELS, Anna Maria/Mary  (1875-     ) 
STOGDALE, Eliza  (1807/8-    ) 
STOKELY, Cora Ann  (1875-1958) 

STOKES, Adolphus Willoughby "Dolphus"  (1833-    ) 
STOKES, Allen  (c1770-    ) 
STOKES, Allen  (1824-1915) 
STOKES, Amanda  (1842/3-    )
STOKES, Anna  (1835/6-    ) 
STOKES, Armstrong  (1805/6-    )
STOKES, Benjamin  (1840/1-    )
STOKES, Bryan  (1837/8-    )
STOKES, Charles  (1845/6-    )
STOKES, Clarissa  (1858/9-    )
STOKES, [Caroline] "Carrie"  (1865/6-1932)
STOKES, Cyntha / Cynthia  (1837/8-    )
STOKES, David  (1780-1884)
STOKES, David  (1802-    ) 
STOKES, Eli  (1832/3-    )
STOKES, Eliza  (1851/2-    )
STOKES, Elizabeth "Betsy"  (c1804-    ) 
STOKES, Elizabeth  (c1810s-    )
STOKES, Elizabeth  (1831/2-    )
STOKES, Elizabeth  (1842/3-    )
STOKES, Elizabeth  (1844/5-    )
STOKES, Ervin / Erwin / Irvin / Irwin  (1808/9-    )
STOKES, Evan Samuel  (1850-    )
STOKES, Gabriel  (1807/8-    )
STOKES, George W.  (1798/9-    )
STOKES, George  (1818-    )
STOKES, George W.  (1826/7-    ) 
STOKES, George L.  (1829/30-    ) 
STOKES, George  (1834/5-    )
STOKES, Hampton  (1840-    ) 
STOKES, Harmon  (c1810s-    )
STOKES, Harriet  (1835/6-    )
STOKES, Henry  (1831/2-    )
STOKES, Holloway  (1806/7-    )
STOKES, Holloway  (1837/8-    )
STOKES, James Greene  (1804/5-    ) 
STOKES, James Greene  (1828-    ) 
STOKES, James B.  (1835/6-    )
STOKES, Jane  (1847/8-    )
STOKE, John  (c1390s-     )
STOKES, John  (c1750s-    )
STOKES, John  (1777/8-1854)
STOKES, John Mitchell  (1797/8-    ) 
STOKES, John Bergen  (c1797-    ) 
STOKES, John  (1816-    )
STOKES, John  (1836/7-    )
STOKES, John  (1847/8-    ) 
STOKES, John  (1850-    )
STOKES, Jones  (1775/6-c1853)
STOKES, Jones  (c1800s-    )
STOKES, Jones  (1821/2-    )
STOKES, Jones E.  (1828-    )
STOKES, Joseph  (1848/9-    )
STOKES, Josephine  (1834/5-    )
STOKES, Larkin  (1801/2-    ) 
STOKES, Lavinia E.  (1846/7-    )
STOKES, Malissa  (1834/5-    )
STOKE, Dame Margaret  (c1420s-1489)
STOKES, Margaret  (c1760s-    ) 
STOKES, Martha M.  (1844/5-    ) 
STOKES, Martha  (1846/7-    )
STOKES, Martin K.  (1836-    ) 
STOKES, Mary  (c1795-    )
STOKES, Mary  (1811-    )
STOKES, Mary  (1833/4-    )
STOKES, Mary  (1842-    ) 
STOKES, Mary  (1845/6-    )
STOKES, Mary  (1847/8-    )
STOKES, Mary Ellen  (1855-    ) 
STOKES, Mary  (1857/8-    )
STOKES, Matilda  (1871/2-    )
STOKES, Matthew  (1784-1873)
STOKES, Matthew L.  (1800s-    )
STOKES, Matthew  (1810/1-1880)
STOKES, Nancy  (c1809-    )
STOKES, Nancy Jane  (1829/30-1866)
STOKES, Nancy  (1833/4-    )
STOKES, Rachel  (c1810s-    )
STOKES, Reading / Redding / Redden  (1750s/60s-1830s)
STOKES, Reading / Redden, Jr.  (c1800s-    )
STOKES, Reddin / Redding  (1829/30-    )
STOKES, Samuel  (c1800s-    )
STOKES, Samuel Young  (1829/30-    ) 
STOKES, Sarah "Sally"  (1777/8-    )
STOKES, Sarah  (c1805-    ) 
STOKES, Sarah Ann/Anna "Annie"  (1814-1865) 
STOKES, Sarah "Sally"  (1821/2-1914)
STOKES, Sarah J.  (1838/9-    ) 
STOKES, Sarah  (1843/4-    )
STOKES, Sarah Jane  (1846-1900)
STOKES, Sarah  (1846/7-    )
STOKES, Sarah  (1848/9-    )
STOKES, Thomas  (c1780s-    )
STOKES, Thomas  (1832-    )
STOKES, Thomas  (1840/1-    )
STOKES, Vivian [male]  (1841/2-    )
STOKES, William Montford  (c1770s-    ) 
STOKES, William  (c1780s-    )
STOKES, William  (1833/4-    )
STOKES, William  (1840-    ) 
STOKES, William  (1841/2-    )
STOKES, William  (1842/3-    )
STOKES, William  (1847/8-    )
STOKES, William  (1849-    )
STOKES, William  (1854/5-    )
STOKES, Wilmeth [female]  (c1765-    )
STOKES, Yancy?  (1845/6-    )
STOKES, Young  (1779/80-c1856) 
STOKES, Young  (c1810s-    )
STOKES, Zilpha  (c1785-c1839) 

STOKELY, Cora Ann  (1875-1958) 

STAHL, Andrew  (    -    )
STOLL, Anna Eliza  (1845/6-    )
STAHL, Francis M.  (1843/4-    )
STOLL, George  (1836/7-    )
STAHL, Susanna  (    -    ) 

STOLLAR, Albert  (c1860s-    )
STOLLAR, Andrew  (1777-    )
STOLLAR, Andrew  (1824/5-    )
STOLLAR, Andrew  (1836/7-1872)
STOLLAR, Andrew  (1843/4-    )
STOLLAR, Benjamin  (c1860s-    )
STOLLAR, Brinton  (c1860s-    )
STOLLAR, Catherine  (c1807-    )
STOLLAR, Christina  (1804-    )
STOLLAR, Daniel  (1814/5-    )
STOLLAR, Daniel  (1834/5-    )
STOLLAR, Elisabeth  (1826-1911)
STOLLAR, Elvina  (    -    )
STOLLAR, George  (1836-1879)
STOLLAR, Henry  (1811-1905)
STOLLAR, Henry  (1835/6-    )
STOLLAR, Isaac  (1836/7-    )
STOLLAR, James  (1845/6-    )
STOLLAR, Jemima  (1843/4-    )
STOLLAR, Jennie  (c1860s-    )
STOLLAR, John  (1839/40-    )
STOLLAR, John  (1848/9-    )
STOLLAR, Katharine  (1838/9-    )
STOLLAR, Margaret  (1840/1-    )
STOLLAR, Mary Magdalene  (1819-1907)
STOLLAR, Mary Ann  (1832/3-    )
STOLLAR, Mary  (c1860s-    )
STOLLAR, Nancy E.  (1850-    )
STOLLAR, Nathan  (1837/8-    )
STOLLAR, Peter, Jr.  (c1770s/80s-    )
STOLLAR, Peter  (1801/2-    )
STOLLAR, Peter  (1834/5-    )
STOLLAR, Rachel  (1841/2-    )
STOLLAR, Reuben  (1843/4-    )
STOLLAR, Rosanna  (1800-    )
STOLLAR, Rosanna  (1834/5-    )
STOLLAR, Sarah J.  (1845/6-    )
STOLLAR, Sarah C.  (1861-1934)
STOLLAR, William  (1813-1900)
STOLLAR, William  (1841/2-    )

STOLTENBERG, Virginia D.  (1909-1966)

STOLZ, Anna Maria  (1730-1808)
STOLZ, Apollonia  (c1825-     )
STOLTZ, Elizabeth  (1799-1827)
STOLZ, Christoph  (1687-1744)
STOLTZ, Henry  (c1730s-    )
STOLZ, Sebastian  (c1790s-    )
STOLTZ, Susanna Elisabeth  (1762-1842)

STONE, Abigail  (1650-    )
STONE?, Agnes  (c1560-1615/6)
STONE, Algernon Sidney "Algon"  (1809/10-    ) 
STONE, Algernon S. "Algon"  (1844/5-    ) 
STONE, Amanda  (1841/2-    )
STONE, Caroline  (1836/7-    )
STONE, Charles Oliver  (1866/69-1928)
STONE, Charles Corbin  (1905-1970)
STONE, Cornelius  (1830/1-    ) 
STONE, David  (c1540s-    ) 
STONE, Ebenezer  (c1690-    )
STONE, Elizabeth  (1621-    ) 
STONE, Elizabeth  (c1644-    )
STONE, Elizabeth Smith  (1800-1884)
STONE, Ethel Elizabeth  (1908-1994) 
STONE, Ezechiell  (1612-    )
STONE, George  (1834/5-    )
STONE, Gladys Katherine  (1894-    )
STONE, Isabel B.  (c1842-    )
STONE, Hannah  (c1760-1801)
STONE, Harriet  (1839/40-    ) 
STONE, Henry M.  (1842/3-    ) 
STONE, Hez [Hezekiah?]  (c1810s-    ) 
STONE, Jacob  (1834/5-    ) 
STONE, James  (c1842-    )
STONE, James  (1858/9-    )
STONE, Jerome  (1604-    ) 
STONE, Jerymyas  (1599-    ) 
STONE, John  (1626-    )
STONE, John  (c1670s-    )
STONE, John  (1809/10-    )
STONE, John  (c1846-    ) 
STONE, John  (1573-c1640) 
STONE, John  (1607-    ) 
STONE, John  (1626-    ) 
STONE, Lampson  (1812/3-    ) 
STONE, Lidda  (1616-    ) 
STONE, Lucrecia / Lucretia  (1851/2-    ) 
STONE, Lucy Maria  (1829-1898)
STONE, Lucy  (c1840-1903)
STONE, Lydia  (1648-    )
STONE, Margaret Elizabeth  (1912-1987)
STONE / SLOAN, Martha Susan  (1804/5-    )
STONE, Mary  (1609-    ) 
STONE, Mary  (1639-    ) 
STONE, Mary  (1705-1805)
STONE, Mary  (1832/3-    ) 
STONE, Mary  (1839/40-    )
STONE, Melinda  (1793-1839) 
STONE, Minerva  (1854/5-    )
STONE, Olive  (1802/3-    )
STONE, Philip  (1828/9-    )
STONE, Rebecca  (1637-    )
STONE, Royal  (1835/6-    )
STONE, Samuel  (1602-1663)
STONE, Samuel  (c1643-1683)
STONE, Samuel  (1777/8-    )
STONE, Sarah  (1625-    ) 
STONE, Sarah  (1628-    ) 
STONE, Seymour Webster  (c1870s-    ) 
STONE, Susan  (c1590s-    )
STONE, Thomas  (c1770s-    )
STONE, Thomas  (1858/9-    )
STONE, William  (c1842-    )
STONE, William Dessea  (1847-1900)

STONEHOUSE, Anna  (c1662-1691)
STONEHOUSE, Rev. Walter  (c1630s-    ) 

STONER, Abraham  (1771-1850) 
STONER, Abraham  (1828/9-    )
STONER, Alfred  (1825-    )
STONER, Daniel  (1829-    ) 
STONER, David  (1847/8-    )
STONER, [Frances] "Fannie" Susan  (1868-1938)
STONER, Hattie Leotta  (c1884-    )
STONER, Henry  (c1792-1850s)
STONER, Henry  (1830/1-    ) 
STONER, Jacob  (1842/3-    )
STONER, John  (1822/3-    )
STONER, John  (1833/4-    ) 
STONER, Jonas  (1802/3-1875) 
STONER, Julia Alice  (1848-    )
STONER, Margaret A.  (1838/9-    ) 
STONER, Martha  (c1830-    )
STONER, Russell Freeman  (c1896-    )
STONER, Sarah  (1841/2-    )
STONER, Susannah  (1844/5-    ) 

STONEROAD, John  (c1830-1860s)
STONEROAD, Lewis  (c1760s-    )
STONEROAD, Martha Audrey  (1901/2-    )
STONEROAD, Valentine  (c1790-1861)
STONEROAD, Valentine D. "Vallie / Valley"  (1864-    )

STONEY, Andre Robinson  (c1740s-    ) 

STONG / STANG — see also STANG / STONG Pennsylvania Census Timelines
STONG, Abigail G.  (1846/7-    )
STONG, Abraham  (1792-    )
STANG, Adam (1771-    ) 
STONG, Amanda  (1845/6-    )
STONG, Anna / Annette  (1849-    )
STONG, Anna Marie  (1862-    ) 
STONG, Antrim  (1840/1-    )
STONG, Apollonia  (1795-1817)
STONG, Barbara  (1815-    )
STONG, Bertha J.  (1854-1889)
STONG, Catharine  (c1768-    )
STONG, Catherine  (1849-    ) 
STONG, Christian  (1770-1795)
STONG, Conrad  (1762/5-1846)
STONG, Conrad  (1859-1931)
STONG, Cornelia  (1849/50-    )
STONG, David [adopted?]  (1852/3-    )
STONG, Edna Alberta  (1889-    )
STONG, Elizabeth  (1763-    )
STONG, Elizabeth  (c1784-c1870) 
STONG, Elisabeth  (1788-    ) 
STONG, Elizabeth  (1824/5-    ) — may be her married name
STONG, Elizabeth  (1861-    ) 
STONG, Ella  (1856/7-    )
STONG, Florence May  (1890-    )
STONG, Frank B.  (1860-    ) 
STONG, Frederick F.  (1839/40-    )
STONG, George Fry  (1835-1915)
STONG, Hannah  (1775-1858)
STONG, Harriet  (1835/6-    )
STONG, Henry Wentz  (1784-1855)
STONG, Henry  (1790-1825)
STONG, Henry S.  (1825/6-    ) 
STONG, Henry Cassel  (1835-    )
STONG, Henry  (1845/6-    )
STONG, Henry D.  (1848-1912)
STONG, Henry  (1876/7-    )
STONG, Isaac  (1797-1872)
STONG, J. Henry  (1790-1825)
STONG, Jacob  (1756-c1819) 
STONG, Jacob  (1786-    )
STONG, Jacob  (1821-    )
STONG, Jacob G.  (1836-1896)
STONG, Jacob  (1851/2-    )
STONG, James  (1858/9-    )
STONG, John Jacob  (1756-c1819) 
STANG / STONG, Johannes  (1761-1833)
STONG, John Philip  (1757-1830)
STONG, John Wentz  (1789-1848)
STONG, John W.  (1808-1886)
STONG, John C.  (1832-1879) 
STONG, John  (1837/8-    )
STONG, John  (1844/5-    )
STONG, John F.  (1844/5-    )
STONG, John Darrah  (1851-1912)
STONG, John  (1873/4-    )
STONG, Joseph S.  (1789-1859) 
STONG, Joseph  (1821/2-    )
STONG, Joseph  (1831/2-    )
STONG, Joseph  (1834-1906)
STONG, Joseph S.  (1789-1859) 
STONG, Josiah  (1843-    )
STONG, Lewis  (1815-1892) 
STONG, Lewis  (1864-    ) 
STONG, Lewis B.  (1865-    )
STONG?, Margaret  (1839/40-    ) — adopted?
STONG, Maria Barbara  (c1776-    )
STONG, Mary  (1801-1879)
STONG, Mary  (1811-    )
STONG, Mary  (1821/2-    ) — may be her married name
STONG, Mary Ann  (1830-    )
STONG, Mary  (1840-    )
STONG, Mary J.  (1847/8-    ) 
STONG, Mary Jane  (1856/7-    )
STONG, Mary C./E.  (1861-    )
STONG, Mary Catharine  (1867-    ) 
STONG, Narina V.  (1858-1893)
STONG, Nathan  (1819/20-    )
STONG, Nathaniel  (1850-    )
STONG, Peter  (1793-    )
STANG / STONG, Philip  (1726-1813)
STONG, Philip  (1757-1830)
STONG, Philip  (1803-1884)
STONG, Philip  (1843-1881)
STONG, Philip  (1869-    )
STONG, Ruth Ann  (1841/2-1898)
STONG, Sarah  (1813-    )
STONG, Sarah  (1841-1917) 
STONG, Sarah Ann  (1844-1884)
STONG, Sarah E.  (1844-1912)
STONG, Sarah Jane "Jennie"  (1857/8-    )
STONG, Sarah Jane  (1865-    ) 
STONG, Sophia  (1870/1-    )
STONG, Susanna  (1778-1842)
STONG, Susanna  (1809/10-    )
STONG, Susannah  (1852/3-    ) 
STANG, Valentine  (c1740s-    ) 
STONG, Valentin  (1821/2-    )
STONG, Willard  (1869-    )
STONG, William Wentz  (1813-1895)
STONG, William  (1833/4-    )
STONG, William  (1841/2-    )
STONG, William  (1847/8-    )
STONG, William L.  (1852-1924)

STOOPS, Christopher  (1859/60-    )
STOOP, Elizabeth  (1815/6-    )
STOOPS, Frances  (1858/9-    )
STOOPS, Harvey  (1858/9-    )
STOOP, Henry  (1775/6-    )
STOUP, Henry  (>1813-    )
STOOP, Henry  (1819/20-    )
STOOPS, James T.  (1831/2-    )
STOOPS, John  (1854/5-    )
STOOPS, Margaret  (1854/5-   )
STOOPS, Martha  (1854/5-    )
STOOPS, Martha  (1857/8-    )
STOOPS, Melinda J.  (1833/4-    )
STOOP, Melissa  (1846/7-    )
STOOP, Morgan  (1832/3-    )
STOOPS, Nancy  (1850/1-    )
STOOPS, Nancy  (1859-    )
STOOPS, Philip  (1837/8-    )
STOOPS, Phillip  (1856/7-    )
STOOPS, Rachel  (1855/6-    )
STOOP, Rebecca  (1813/4-    )
STOOPS, Robert  (1858/9-    )
STOOPS, Samuel  (1832/3-    )
STOOPS, Samuel  (1852/3-    )
STOOPS, Samuel  (1857/8-    )
STOOPS, Sarah  (1837/8-    )
STOOPS, Susan  (1831/2-    ) 
STOOPS, William  (1828/9-    )
STOOPS, William  (1836/7-    )

STOPHLET, Barbara Ann  (1873-    )
STOPHLET, Benjamin D.  (1868-    )
STOPHLET, Charles  (1870-    )
STOPHLET, Clarence  (1848/9-    )
STOPHLET, David  (1788-1851)
STOPHLET, Emma "Annie"  (1853/4-    )
STOPHLET, Julia  (1851/2-    )
STOPHLET, Lorenzo Dow  (1821-1892)
STOPHLET, Mary E.  (1846/7-1924)
STOPHLET, Preserved Whipple  (1857-1904)
STOPHLET, Sarah Jane  (1865-    )

STORM, Charity Jane  (1841-    ) 
STORM, George Alfred  (1854-    ) 
STORM, Isaac Reece/Reese  (1845/7-    ) 
STORM, (Rev.) James  (1786-1863) 
STORM, James Milton  (1836-    )
STORM, John R.  (1849-    ) 
STORM, Martha Ann  (1844/5-    ) 
STORM, Mathilda/Matilda  (1842/3-    )
STORM, William  (1815-1894)
STORM, William A.  (1852-    ) 

STORMS, Dorothy Phyllis  (1922/3-    ) 
STORMS, Mary Ellen  (1921/2-    ) 
STORMS, Russell  (c1890s-    ) 

STORR, George  (c1819-    ) 
STORRE / STORY, Benjamin  (c1785-    ) 
STORY, Caroline E.  (1849/50-    )

STOTLER / STATLER, Jacob  (1797-1851) 
STOTLER, Mary  (c1750-    )
STOTLER / STATLER, Miriam  (1829-1924) 

STOTTS, Sims  (c1818-    ) 
STOTTZ, Jacob  (c1867-    )
STOUCHER, John  (1830/1-    )
STOUDER, David  (1822-1906)
STOUGH, Jay  (c1856-    )
STOUGHTON, Thomas  (c1590s-1661)

STOUT, Bertha L.  (1882-1900s)
STOUT, Clarissa  (1855/6-    )
STOUT, George  (1820s-    )
STOUT, John Wesley  (1857-1929)
STOUT, Mary M.  (1823/4-    )
STOUT, Mary Jane  (1850-    )
STOUT, Mary  (1852/3-    )
STOUT, William  (1790/1-    )
STOUT, William Jordan  (1852-1883) 

STOUTENBERG / STOUTENBURG, Moses  (1873-    ) 

STOVALL, Andrew D.  (1846-    ) 
STOVALL, David Henry  (1852-    ) 
STOVALL, Elizabeth D.  (1847-    ) 
STOVELL, L. R.  (1813/4-    ) 
STOVALL, Logan G.  (1843-    ) 
STOVALL, Marada / Mahala  (1853-    ) 
STOVALL, N. Matilda  (c1813-    )
STOVALL, Robert  (1818-1854)

STOVER, Agnes  (1849/50-    )
STOVER, Daniel  (c1760s-    )
STOVER, David  (1828/9-    ) 
STOVER, Elizabeth  (c1807-    )
STOVER, H. M. [male]  (1845/6-    )
STOVER, Ida Emma  (1863-1941)
STOVER, Jacob  (c1810s-    )
STOVER, James  (c1749-    )
STOVER, James A.  (1869/70-    )
STOVER, Capt. Joseph  (c1760s-    )
STOVER, Louella I.  (1866/7-    )
STOVER, Margaret Catherine  (c1790s-    )
STOVER, Mary Lincoln  (c1796-    )
STOVER, Miles E.  (1873/4-    )
STOVER, Wesley L.  (c1838-    )

STOW, Thankful  (c1646-    )
STOWE, Martha "Mattie"  (1854/5-    )

STOWELL, Ann Mary  (c1830-    ) 
STOWALL, Arlyne Etola  (1921-2007)
STOWELL, Olive  (1779-1829)

STOWERS, Martha Jane  (1850/1-    ) 
STOXEN, Natalie Luella  (1893-1971) 
STOYER, Priscilla  (1827-1857) 

STRAIGHT, Cynthia / Synthia E.  (c1860s-    ) 

STRAIN, Abraham  (1814-    ) 
STRAIN, Allen  (1824-1850) 
STRAIN, Almon Gage  (1854/5-1931) 
STRAIN, Amogene F.  (1852/3-    ) 
STRAIN, Benjamin Franklin  (1823-1877) 
STRAIN, Catherine Medora  (1828-c1891) 
STRAIN, Elizabeth  (1812-1918) 
STRAIN, Elizabeth  (1816-1892) 
STRAIN, Elvira F.  (1820-1895) 
STRAIN, Harriet  (1810-1891) 
STRAIN, Harriet  (1832/3-    ) 
STRAIN, Henry  (1822-1888) 
STRAIN, Isaac George Washington  (1819-1837) 
STRAIN, James  (1789/90-1869) 
STRAIN, James H.  (1845/6-    ) 
STRAIN, John  (1788-1869) 
STRAIN, John C. Kosouth  (1850/1-1899) 
STRAIN, K. Annie  (1870-1951) 
STRAIN, Leah  (1811-1892) 
STRAIN, Louisa W.  (1825-1851) 
STRAIN, Louise Ellen  (1856/7-    ) 
STRAIN, Margaret A.  (1833/4-    ) 
STRAIN, Mary Ann  (1817-1877) 
STRAIN, Moses  (1818-1846) 
STRAIN, Nancy Eliza  (1837-1902)
STRAIN, Rachel  (1812-1835) 
STRAIN, Sophia C.  (1830-1885) 
STRAIN, Thomas, Jr.  (c1756-1833) 

STRAIT, Amey  (1771-    ) 
STRAIT, Ann  (1765-    ) 
STRAIT, David  (c1744-c1792) 
STRAIT, David  (b. 1765-84; d. 1842) 
STRAIT, David  (c1780-    ) 
STRAIT, David  (1809-    ) 
STRAIT, David  Beuthuel (1832-    ) 
STRAIT, Dorcus/Darkis  (c1785-    ) 
STRAIT, Elizabeth "Betsy"  (1804-    ) 
STRAIT, Elvira  (1818-    ) 
STRAIT, Emeline Amanda  (1825-    ) 
STRAIT, Hosea H.  (1813-c1858) 
STRAIT, Israel  (1776-    ) 
STRAIT, James  (1821-    ) 
STRAIT, James William  (1829-    ) 
STRAIT, John Perry  (1831-1899) 
STRAIT, John P.  (1847/8-    ) 
STRAIT, Lois  (1767-    ) 
STRAIT, Margaret M.  (1847/8-    ) 
STRAIT, Mary  (1825-    ) 
STRAIT, Mary  (1845/6-    ) 
STRAIT, Nancy  (1779-    ) 
STRAIT, Nancy  (1811-    ) 
STRAIT, Nancy  (1816-    ) 
STRAIT, Perry  (1837/8-    ) 
STRAIT, Perry P.  (1838-    ) 
STRAIT, Preston  (1805-    ) 
STRAIT, Rody  (1808/10-    ) 
STRAIT, Sarah "Sally"  (1781-    ) 
STRAIT, Selah  (c1790-    ) 
STRAIT, Wait  (1774-    ) 
STRAIT, William  (1769-    ) 
STRAIT, William  (1815-c1855) 
STRAIT, William Harrison  (1835/6-    ) 
STRAIT, Wright R.  (1811-    ) 

STRAND, Lewis  (1854/5-    ) 
STRANEY, Sara  (c1822-    )
STRANGE, Artemisia E.  (1835-    )
STRANGE, Mary  (c1828-    ) 

STRATTON, Elizabeth  (1857/8-    ) 
STRATTON, Henry  (1826/7-    ) 
STRATTON, John  (1829/30-    ) 
STRATTON, Laura  (1850/1-    ) 
STRATTON, Matilda  (c1794-    )
STRATTON, William  (1859-    ) 

STRAUB / STRAUBE / etc. — see Every-Name Index Hub for STRAUB/etc. Indices

STRUBLE, Adam  (1757-    ) 
STRUBLE, Adam  (1783-1867)
STRABLE, Amanda  (1829/30-    )
STRUBLE, Ann  (1795-1865)
STRUBLE, Anna  (c1804-    )
STRUBLE, Catherine  (c1767-    )
STRUBLE, Catherine  (c1786-1856)
STRUBLE, Katherine  (1797-1843)
STRUBLE, Catherine A.  (1826-1907)
STRABLE, Catherine  (1837/8-     )
STRAUBEL, Catharine  (1868-    )
STRAUBEL, Katrine  (1870-1891)
STRAUBEL, Charles  (1830-1907)
STRAUBEL, Charles  (1856-    )
STRUBLE, Conrad  (1759-1837)
STRUBLE, Conrad  (1805-1880)
STRAUBEL, Conrad  (1863-    )
STROBEL, Crescentia  (1818-1990/91)
STRUBEL, Daniel  (1749-1829)
STRUBLE, Daniel  (1782-1860)
STRUBLE, Daniel  (1808-    )
STRUBLE, Daniel  (1820-1902)
STRUBLE, Daniel D.  (1824-1900)
STRUBEL, Dietrich  (1714-c1807)
STRUBLE, Dietrich  (1752-    )
STRUBLE, Elizabeth  (1792-1875)
STRUBLE, Elizabeth  (1800-1855)
STRUBLE, Elizabeth  (c1833-    )
STRUBLE, Emily  (1818/9-1851)
STRUBLE, George  (1766-    )
STRUBLE, George P.  (b. bef. 1775 - d. 1820s)
STRABLE, George  (1789/90-    ) 
STRUBLE, George  (1791-1858)
STRUBLE, George  (1850/1-    )
STRUBLE, Halsey  (1813-1851)
STRUBLE, Harry  (1863/4-    )
STRUBEL, Heinrich Peter  (1742-1802)
STRUBLE, Henry D.  (1783-    )
STRUBLE, Henry  (1792-1870)
STRUBLE, Henry  (1863/4-    )
STRUBLE, Isaac  (c1790s-    )
STRUBLE, Isaac  (1809-1838)
STRUBLE, Jacob  (1755-    )
STRUBLE, Jacob  (1776-1857)
STRUBLE, Jacob  (1795-1874)
STRUBLE, Jacob  (1821-    )
STRUBLE, Jane C.  (c1837-1924)
STRUBLE, Jessie  (1811-    )
STRUBLE, Job Chrisman  (1830-1920)
STRUBEL, Johann Dietrich  (1714-c1807)
STRUBLE, Johann Leonare  (1740/1-    )
STRUBEL, Johann Heinrich Peter  (1742-1802)
STRUBLE, Johann Peter  (1746/7-    )
STRUBLE, John  (1763-    )
STRUBLE, John William  (1769-c1839)
STRUBLE, John D.  (1792-    )
STRUBLE, John William  (1794-1835)
STRABLE, John, Sr.  (1799/1800-    ) 
STRAUBEL, Johann Andrew  (b. bef. 1810)
STRUBLE, John C.  (1811-1840)
STRUBLE, John (b. bef. 1824-    )
STRUBLE, John  (1829-1906)
STRABLE, John, Jr.  (1840/1-    ) 
STRUBLE, Joseph S.  (c1820s-    )
STRUBLE, Josiah  (1827/8-    )
STRAUBEL, Lenna  (1871-    )
STRAUBEL, Louisa  (1858-c1950)
STRUBLE, Lucy  (1808-    )
STRUBLE, Lucy Ann  (1814-    )
STRUBLE, Margaret  (1767-    )
STRUBLE, Margaret  (1772-1854)
STRUBLE, Margaret  (c1778-    )
STRUBLE, Margaret  (1799-    )
STRAUBEL, Margaret  (1867-    )
STRUBLE, Maria Sabina  (1744-    )
STRUBLE, Mary S.  (1775-1839)
STRUBLE, Mary  (1821-1892)
STRABLE, Mary  (1824/5-    ) 
STRUBLE, Mary  (1829-    ) 
STRABLE, Mary J.  (1836/7-    ) 
STRABLE, Nancy  (1842/3-    ) 
STRUBLE, Nathaniel  (1834-1863) 
STRUBEL, Peter  (1742-1802)
STRUBLE, Peter Heinrich  (1770-1832)
STRUBLE, Peter D.  (1780-    )
STRUBLE, Peter  (1820-1902)
STRABLE, Peter  (1838/9-    ) 
STRUBLE, Richard Dietrich  (1770-1830)
STRUBLE, Richard Daniel  (1785-1848)
STRUBLE, Richard  (1827-1893)
STRABLE, Richard  (1832/3-    )
STRUBLE, Sarah  (c1804-1894)
STRUBLE, Sarah A.  (1827-1859)
STRUBLE, Susanna  (c1740-    )
STRUBLE, Susanna  (1788-    )
STRUBLE, Susanna  (1792-1874)
STRUBLE, Susanna  (1802-1875)
STRUBLE, Susan  (1813-1857)
STRUBLE, Susan  (1825-1866)
STRABLE, Uriah  (1833/4-    )
STRUBLE, William  (1768-1837)
STRUBLE, William W.  (1806-1877)
STRUBLE, William Harrison  (1816-1900)

STRAUCH, Anna Louisa  (1740-    ) 
STRAUP / STRAUPE / etc. — see Every-Name Index Hub for STRAUB/etc. Indices

STRAWSER, Mr.  (1880-    ) 
STRAUSSER, Adam  (1805-    ) 
STRAWSER, Bertie W.  (1877/8-    ) 
STRAUSER, Bethany "Bessie"  (1838-    ) 
STRAUSSER, Catharine  (c1790s-    ) 
STROWSER, Catherine  (1803/4-    ) — probably her married name
STRAUSSER, Catharine  (1829/30-    ) 
STRAUSER / STRAWSER, David  (1821-1888) 
STRAWSER, David B.  (1874/5-    ) 
STRAUSSER, Elizabeth  (1835-1915) 
STRAWSER, Emma J.  (1873/4-    ) 
STRAWSER, Frances "Fannie" M.  (1887-    ) 
STRAUSSER, Frederick  (1790s-    ) 
STRAUSSER, Henry  (1790s-    ) 
STRAUSER, Isaac  (1831/2-    ) 
STRAUSSER, Jacob  (1790s-    ) 
STRAWSER, Jacob A.  (1876/7-    ) 
STRASSER, Johann Nicholas I  (c1717-1790) 
STRAUSSER, (Johann) Nicholas II "Honnickle"  (1752-1814) 
STRAUSER, Martha Jane  (1842/3-    ) 
STRAUSSER, Mary  (c1790s-    ) 
STRAWSER, Minnie M.  (1892-1970) 
STRAUSSER, Nicholas III  (1780s-    ) 
STRAUSSER, Peter  (1790s-    ) 
STRAUSER, Philip  (1833/4-    ) 
STRAUSSER, Sarah  (c1790s-    ) 
STRAUSER, Sarah A. "Sally"  (1873-1913) 
STRAUSSER, Simon  (1788-1860) 
STRAUSER, Simon  (1814-1885) 
STRAUSSER, Solomon K.  (1799-1890) 
STRAUSSER, Susan  (1832-1888) 
STRAUSSER, Susanna  (1835/6-    ) 
STRAUSER / STRAWSER, William  (1853/4-1900s) 

STRAUSS, Mrs. Barbara  (c1720s-    )
STROUS, Mrs. Catharine  (1803/4-    )
STRAUSS / STRAUSE, Daniel P.  (1820-    )
STRAUSS, David  (1805/6-    ) 
STRAUSS, Elias  (1800-    )
STRAUSS, Eliza  (1831/2-    ) 
STROUSE, Elizabeth  (1845/6-    ) 
STRAUSS, Mrs. Eve  (1769/70-    ) 
STRAUSS, Frederick  (    -    ) 
STRAUSS, Grace  (c1890s-    )
STRAUSS, Helen  (1894/5-    )
STRAUSS, Isaac  (1819/20-    ) 
STROUSE, Jacob  (1841-    ) 
STRAUSS, Jacob  (1843-1856) 
STRAUSS, Joseph  (1835-    ) 
STROUSE, Lucinda  (1842/3-    )
STRAUSS, Margaret "Peggy"  (1797/8-    ) 
STRAUSS, Maria Dorothea  (c1750s/60s-    ) 
STROUSE, Samuel  (1813/4-    ) 
STROUSE, William  (1844/5-    ) 

STRAWN, John Franklin  (1851-1884) 
STRAWN, Maggie Mae (1877-1921) 

STRAYER, Jacob  (1796-1869) 
STRAYER, Maria Elizabeth  (1775-1857)
STRAYER, Mary Elizabeth  (1822-1906) 

STREABER, John  (1809/10-    )

STREATER, Earl  (1896-     )
STREATER, Harry  (1871-1920s)
STREATER, Marie A.  (1910/1-    )
STREATER, William  (1899-    )

STREB, Peter  (1819/20-    )

STREET, Abner W.  (c1814-c1840)
STREET, Agnes  (1820/1-     )
STREET, Annie Marie  (c1812-    )
STREET, David  (1814/5-    )
STREET, David  (c1820s-    )
STREET, Emanuel  (1849-    ) 
STREET, Fannie A.  (1893-    )
STREET, Gideon D.  (1814/5-    )
STREET, Glen / Glenn O.  (1877/8-    )
STREET, Hallie D.  (1869-    )
STREET, Iva  (1880/1-    )
STREET, Jacob  (1818-1872)
STREET, Jacob S.  (1900-    )
STREET, James Samuel  (1838/9-    )
STREET, James O.  (1898-    )
STREET, John  (c1770-c1820s)
STREET, Kenneth D.  (1924-    )
STREET, Lester  (1877-1940)
STREET, Mary  (1829/30-    )
STREET, Roy Carlton "Roy"  (1876-    )
STREET, Samuel D.  (1788-1854)
STREET, Thelma A.  (c1917-    )
STREET, Thomas  (1852/3-    ) 
STREET, William Edwin  (1840-1920s)
STREET, William Wallace  (1842-1924)
STREET, William  (1849-1924)
STREET, William Andrew "Andy"  (1894-    )

STREETER, Amy Ruth  (1905-    )
STREETER, Barbar Mae  (1912-1965)
STREETER, Dorothy Ynes  (1901-    ) 
STREETER, Edward Ernest  (1860-1933)
STREETER, Gilbert Erling  (1908-    )
STREETER, John Gordon  (1903-    )
STREETER, Lois Manono  (1908-    )
STREETER, William Adams  (1811-1902)

STRETCH, Hannah H.  (1866-1945)
STRIBLING, Catherine Mackey  (1820-1874)

STRICKER, Abram  (1821/2-    )
STRICKER, Albert  (1845/6-    )
STRICKER, Catharina Kitterin  (1768-1843)
STRICKER, Charles W.  (1875-1944)
STRICKER, Christina  (1769-1838)
STRICKER, Daniel  (1780/1-1869)
STRICKER, Daniel  (1836/7-    )
STRICKER, David  (1802/3-    )
STRICKER, David  (1839/40-    )
STRICKER, Delilah  (1834/5-    )
STRICKER, Elizabeth  (1776-    )
STRICKER, Elizabeth  (1801-1872)
STRICKER, Elizabeth  (1815/6-    )
STRICKER, Hannah  (1778-1830)
STRICKER, Henry  (1817/8-    )
STRICKER, Hiram  (1847/8-    )
STRICKER, Jacob L.  (1873-1928)
STRÄCKER, Johann Lorentz  (c1740-1816)
STRICKER, John Lawrence  (c1740-1816)
STRICKER, John  (c1774-c1816)
STRICKER, Johan William  (1771-1849)
STRICKER, Johan Jacob  (1772-1851)
STRICKER, Lawrence  (bef. 1748-    )
STRICKER, Maria  (1834/5-    )
STRICKER, Mary  (1784-    )
STRICKER, Matilda  (1837/8-    )
STRICKER, Ruth  (1848/9-    )
STRICKER, Samuel  (1813/4-    )
STRICKER, Solomon S.  (1848-1928)
STRICKER, Sophia  (1830/1-    )
STRICKER, Susan  (1787-    )
STRÄCKER, Wilhelm  (c1720-    )
STRICKER, William  (c1720-    )
STRICKER, William  (1846/7-    )

STRICKLAND, Docia / Dosia  (1866/7-    ) — African-American
STRICKLAND, Jane  (c1874-    ) 
STRICKLAND, Theodocia  (1866/7-    ) — African-American
STRICKLAND, William  (1857/8-    ) — African-American

STRICKLER, Henry  (1842/3-    ) 
STRICKLER, Israel  (1832/3-    ) 
STRICKLER, John  (1769/70-    ) 
STRICKLER, John  (1839/40-    )
STRICKLER, Lucy Ann  (c1800s-    ) 
STRICKLER, Maria Barbara Catharina  (c1740s-    )
STRICKLER, Michael  (1811/2-    )
STRICKLER, Sarah  (1836/7-    ) 

STRIEGLER, Emily / Emilie  (1874-1975)
STRIEGLER, Frederick Christian  (1848-1935)
STRINE, Annetta  (1862/3-    )
STRINGER, Abel  (1788-1854)
STRINGER, Jane  (1824-1892)
STROCK, Harry Walter  (1899/1900-    )
STRODE, James E.  (c1826-    ) 

STRAW, Annie  (c1861-    )
STROH, David  (1844/5-1860s?) 
STROH, Elizabeth  (1840/1-1860s)
STROH, Gottlieb David  (1808-c1880s) 

STROH-SCHNEIDER, Christian  (bef. 1755-aft. 1830)
STROH-SCHNEIDER, Johannes  (c1700-    )
STROH-SCHNEIDER, Johannes  (bef. 1740-1802)
STROH-SCHNEIDER, Johann Friedrich  (bef. 1740-1810)
STROH-SCHNEIDER, Johann Michael  (bef. 1751-    )
STROH-SCHNEIDER, Mary Catharine  (1761-    )

STROLE, Albert  (1848/9-    )
STROLE, William  (1821/2-    )
STROMGREN, Karolina  (1840-1911)

STRONG, Ann  (c1736-    ) 
STRONG, Arvis "Buck"  (1921-1995)
STRONG, Benajah  (1740-1809) 
STRONG, C. A. [male]  (1809/10-    ) 
STRONG, Carl N.  (1905/6-    ) 
STRONG, Chauncey Butler  (1774-1840)
STRONG, Chauncey Butler  (1803-1877)
STRONG, Charles Robert  (1786-1845) 
STRONG, Daniel W.  (1867-1938)
STRONG, David  (c1810s-    ) 
STRONG, E. D. [male]  (c1820s-    ) 
STRONG, Eleanor  (1802/3-1863)
STRONG, Elijah  (c1767-    ) 
STRONG, Elijah  (c1785-    ) 
STRONG, Elizabeth  (c1710s-    ) 
STRONG, Elizabeth  (1770-    ) 
STRONG, Elizabeth  (1778-    ) 
STRONG, Frances Johnson "Fanny" (1780-    ) 
STRONG, George  (1821/2-    ) 
STRONG, Hannah  (1660-1730) 
STRONG, Hiram Newton  (1850/1-1920) 
STRONG, Isham  (1764-    ) 
STRONG, James H.  (1872-1960)
STRONG, Jane  (1609/10-1679) 
STRONG, Jane  (1775-    ) 
STRONG, Jane Goodin  (1791-1839) 
STRONG, John  (1626-    )
STRONG, John  (1675-    ) 
STRONG, John  (1698-1751) 
STRONG, John  (1768-1818) 
STRONG, Joseph, Jr.  (c1710s-    ) 
STRONG, Dr. Joseph  (1770-1812) 
STRONG, Johnson  (1758-1844/6) 
STRONG, Louise  (c1850s-    ) 
STRONG, Martha W.  (1859-    )
STRONG, Matta Lee  (1909-    ) 
STRONG, Morris S.  (1912/3-    ) 
STRONG, Mary  (1767-1840s)
STRONG, Mary  (1787-1829)
STRONG, Oma  (1904-1989)
STRONG, Patricia "Patsey"  (c1783-    ) 
STRONG, Roxania / Roxana Sophia / Sophie "Roxy"  (1836-1905)
STRONG, Sarah  (1770-    ) 
STRONG, Sarah "Sally"  (c1805-    )
STRONG, Sherwood  (c1754-    ) 
STRONG?, Simmie Ann  (c1828/9-1911?) 
STRONG, Susannah  (c1766-    ) 
STRONG, Susan "Susie" A.  (1821/2-    ) 
STRONG, Thomas  (c1580s-    ) 
STRONG, William  (1730-1816) 
STRONG, William  (1760-    ) 
STRONG, William M.  (1781-    ) 
STRONG, William Hiram  (1874-    ) 
STRONG, Willie Roma  (1903-1991) 

STROOP / STROOPE / etc. — see Every-Name Index Hub for STRAUB/etc. Indices
STROPE / STROPES / etc. — see Every-Name Index Hub for STRAUB/etc. Indices

STROTHER, Ann  (c1730s-    )
STROTHER, Charlotte  (1783-    )
STROTHER, William  (c1720s/30s-    )

STROUB / STROUBE / etc.— see Every-Name Index Hub for STRAUB/etc. Indices

STROUD — most are of English origin, but some are genetic Germans Anglicized from STRUBE
STROUD, Candis/Candice  (c1780s-    ) 
STROUDE, Jacob  (c1800s-    )
STROUD, Nancy Caroline  (1858-1939)

STROUP / STROUPE / etc. — see Every-Name Index Hub for STRAUB/etc. Indices

STRUB / STRUBE / etc. — see Every-Name Index Hub for STRAUB/etc. Indices
STRUB / STRUPP — genealogy of a family
STRUBLE, Maria  (1816-1876)
STRUBLE, Mary  (1821-1892)
STRUBLE, Susan  (1813-1857)

STRUDER, Ann Baker  (    -    )
STRUP / STRUPP / etc. — see Every-Name Index Hub for STRAUB/etc. Indices

STUART, Alexander "The Wolf" of Badenach, 1st Earl of Buchanan  (c1343-    )
STUART, Alexander, Canon of Glasgow  (    -    ) 
STUART, Sir Alexander, of Inverlunan  (    -    ) 
STUART, Alexander  (1430-    )
STUART, Alexander  (c1650s-    )
STEWART, Sir Andrew  (13__-    )
STUART, Annabell  (c1432-    ) 
STUART, Anne  (1680-1735)
STUART, Catherine  (    -    )
STUART, David, Earl of Caithness  (c1356-    ) 
STUART, David, Duke of Rothesay  (1378-    ) 
STEWART, Edward Richard  (    -    )
STUART, Egidia  (    -    ) 
STUART, Egidia  (    -    ) 
STEWART, Egidia  (13__-    ) 
STUART, Eleanor  (c1434-    ) 
STUART, Elizabeth  (c1340s-    ) 
STUART, Elizabeth, Princess of Scotland  (c1387-    ) 
STUART, Euphemia  (13__-14__) 
STEWART, George, 8th Earl of Galloway  (    -    ) 
STUART, Isabella  (    -    )
STUART, Isabella Elizabeth  (1426-    )
STUART, James N.  (    -    ) 
STUART, James, of Kinfauns  (    -    ) 
STEWART, James, High Steward of Scotland  (12__-    )
STUART, James I, King of Scotland  (1394-1436/7)
STUART, James II, King of Scotland  (1430-    )
STUART, James  (c1580s-    )
STUART, James  (1775/6-    )
STEWART, Jane  (    -1844) 
STEWART, Jane Frances Clinton  (    -1897)
STEWART, Jean  (c1310s-    )
STUART, Lady Jean  (c1350-14__)
STUART, Joan, Princes of Scotland  (1428-    )
STEWART, Sir John of Ralston  (13__-    )
STUART, John/Robert III, King of Scotland  (1337-1406)
STEUART, John, of Blackhall and Ardgowan  (    -    ) 
STUART, John, Sheriff of Bute  (    -    )
STUART, John, of Arntullie  (    -    ) 
STUART, John, Lord of Burley  (    -    ) 
STEWART, John, 7th Earl of Galloway  (    -    )
STUART, Katherine  (    -    )
STUART, Kesiah  (1840/1-    )
STUART, Margaret  (    -    ) 
STUART, Margaret  (    -    ) 
STEWART, Margaret, Countess of Angus  (13__-    ) 
STUART, Margaret  (1424-    )
STUART, Marjory  (    -    ) 
STUART, Mary  (c1429-    ) 
STUART, Mary  (c1458-    ) 
STUART, Mary  (c1804-c1850s)
STUART, Matilda  (c1834-    )
STUART, Nancy  (c1760-<1806)
STUART, Richard  (    -    )
STUART, Robert II, King of Scotland  (1316-1390)
STUART, Robert, of Fife, Duke of Albany  (c1339-    )
STUART, Robert  (    -    ) 
STEWART, Susan  (    -1841) 
STUART, Thomas, Dean of Dunkeld  (    -    )
STEWART, Walter, High Steward of Scotland  (1293-1326) 
STUART, Walter, Earl of Fife  (    -    )
STUART, Walter, Earl of Atholl  (c1360-    ) 
STUART, Walter  (    -    ) 

STUBB, Martha  (c1780s-    ) 
STUBBE, Emma  (c1860s-    )

STUBBLEFIELD, Mr.  (c1760s-    )
STUBBLEFIELD, B. Clay  (1856-    )
STUBBLEFIELD, Benjamin W.  (1845/6-    )
STUBBLEFIELD, Col. Beverley  (1742-1823) 
STUBBLEFIELD, Beverley, Jr.  (1799/1800-c1855)
STUBBLEFIELD, Catherine Beverley  (c1780s-    ) 
STUBBLEFIELD, Elizabeth  (c1755-    ) 
STUBBLEFIELD, Elizabeth Beverley  (1806-    )
STUBBLEFIELD, Huldah A.  (1848/9-    ) 
STUBBLEFIELD, James  (c1750s -    )
STUBBLEFIELD, James E./S.  (1841/2-    ) 
STUBBLEFIELD, Jennetta  (1802-    ) 
STUBBLEFIELD, John  (c1808-    ) 
STUBBLEFIELD, John J./G.  (1843/4-    ) 
STUBBLEFIELD, Maria Ann / Ann Mariah  (1811-1844) 
STUBBLEFIELD, Mary  (c1750s-    )
STUBBLEFIELD, Mary T.  (1813-1842)
STUBBLEFIELD, Mary A.  (1847/8-    ) 
STUBBLEFIELD, Susannah Shelton "Susan"  (1797-1854)
STUBBLEFIELD, Capt. Thomas  (c1750s-    ) 
STUBBLEFIELD, Virginia Orange  (1809-1832)
STUBBLEFIELD, William H.H.  (1840-    )
STUBBLEFIELD, Zarilda  (1837/8-    ) 

STUBBLESON, Ann  (c1650s-    )

STUBBS, Amanda M.  (1834/5-    )
STUBBS, Catharine Wyatt  (1805-1894)
STUBBS, Edward F.  (1844/5-    )
STUBBS, Elias  (1807-1895)
STUBBS, Elizabeth  (1815-    )
STUBBS, Felix  (1809-    )
STUBBS, Hannah  (1770-1828)
STUBBS, Jesse  (1782-1832)
STUBBS, John  (1732-1803)
STUBBS, John  (1818-    )
STUBBS, John  (1839/40-    )
STUBBS, Joshua  (c1620-    )
STUBBS, Lawrence Francis  (1778-1828)
STUBBS, Martha "Patsy"  (1806/7-    )
STUBBS, Martha J.  (1842/3-    )
STUBBS, Mary "Polly"  (1802-c1845)
STUBBS, Mills  (1810-    )
STUBBS, Orpha Ann  (1816-    )
STUBBS, Samuel  (1811-1889)
STUBBS, Sara / Sarah "Sally"  (1813-    )
STUBBS, Wells  (1810-    )
STUBBS, Zephaniah  (1804-1878)

STUBIR, Margaret  (1839//40-    )

STUCK, George  (1800-    )
STUCK, Helen Marie  (1900-1986)
STUCK, Susan  (1839-1917) 

STUCKERT, John P.  (1814/5-    ) 
STUCKERT, Mary Elizabeth  (1851/2-1901) 
STUCKY, Nancy A.  (1823/4-    ) 
STUDEBAKER, Eli B.  (c1855-    )
STUDEBAKER, Elizabeth "Eliza"  (1798-1865) 
STUDDERS, Sadie  (c1897-    ) 
STUDIVAN, Samuel  (1821/2-    )
STUEBE?, Charles  (1855/6-    ) 
STUEBE?, John L.  (1877/8-    )
STUETZLE / STUEZLE, Theresia / Theresa  (1821-    )

STULL, Abraham  (1823/4-    )
STULL, Elizabeth A.  (1862/3-    )
STULL, George  (1792-1844)
STULL, Grace  (1888-1976)
STULL, Martin  (1828-    )
STULL, Martin Douglas / Douglass  (1857/8-    )
STULL, Susannah  (c1740s-    ) 
STULL, Wesly / Wstley / Wesley M.  (1859-    )

STUMBAUGH, Andrew Jackson  (1824-1911)
STUMBAUGH, Andrew Jackson  (1829-1914)
STUMBAUGH, David Dart  (1787/8-1850)
STUMBAUGH, Eva  (1867-    )
STUMBAUGH, Franklin Taylor  (1847-    )
STUMBAUGH, Frederick  (c1784-1840s)
STUMBAUGH, Graham Newton  (1854-    )
STUMBAUGH, Hamilton Pierce  (1851/2-    )
STUMBAUGH, Jackson G.  (1860-    )
STUMBAUGH, Joseph A.  (1857/8-    )
STUMBAUGH, Lavinia  (1848/9-    )
STUMBAUGH, Sarah  (1844/5-    ) 

STUMP, John Jacob  (1772-1858)
STUMP, Jacob  (c1770s/80s-    ) 
STUMP, John Peter  (1787-1873)
STUMP, Lydia  (1795/6-1870s) 

STUMPF, Hannah A.  (1844-1930)

STURDENT, W. [male]  (1859/60-    )
STURGES, James N.  (1824-1848) 
STURGES, Jessie M.  (1880-    )

STURGILL, Francis Elmer  (1883-1899)
STURGILL, James George  (c1820s-    ) 
STURGILL, Jesse Beryl  (1881-1948) 
STURGILL, Lewis Edgar  (1859-1946)

STURGIS, Mrs. Almina  (1828/9-    )
STURGIS, Amos  (1757-1826)
STURGIS, Amos Randall  (1828-1899)
STURGIS, Catherine  (1821-1899)
STURGIS, David  (1830-1922)
STURGIS, Eliza Catherine  (1840->1880)
STURGIS, George  (1825-1907)
STURGIS, Hannah  (1834-1914)
STURGIS, Harris J.  (1848/9-    )
STURGIS, Henrietta  (1836->1900)
STURGIS, Henrietta  (1840-1927) 
STURGIS, James H.  (1831->1900)
STURGIS, Joel N.  (1852-1931)
STURGIS, John  (1787-1872)
STURGIS, John Outten  (1760-1809)
STURGIS, John Outten  (1803-1872)
STURGIS, John  (1823-1906)
STURGIS, John H.  (1842-1876)
STURGIS, Jane  (1819-1890)
STURGIS, Leah Priscilla  (1829-1882)
STURGIS, Priscilla  (1766-1845)
STURGIS, Rebecca T.  (1833-1900)
STURGIS, Sarah "Sally" Ann  (1838-1864)
STURGIS, Thomas  (1832-1910)
STURGIS, William  (1817-1902) 

STURM, Sarah Jane  (1828-1882) 
STURMAN, Nancy Ann  (c1755-    )

STURTEVANT, Eliza  (1806-1900) 
STURDIVANT, John  (1831/2-    )
STURDEVANT, Miranda  (c1810s-    ) 

STUTZMAN, Raymond A.  (1906-1979) 
STYLES, John / Jonathan  (c1872-    )
SUAREZ, Pedro de Guzmán de Toledo  (    -    )
SUBLETT, Tabitha E.  (1845/6-    )
SUCK, George  (1885-1976)
SUDDITH / SUTHARD, Isaac  (1800s-    )
SUDROW, William  (1855/6-    ) 
SUETHOLZ, Raymond  (c1900s/1910s-    ) 

SUGGETT, Araminta  (c1810s/20s-    )
SUGGETT, Araminta "Mintie" Zenata  (1861-1941)
SUGGETT, Allen Holman  (1867-    )
SUGGETT, Catherine  (1746-1814)
SUGGETT, Charles Robert  (1857-    )
SUGGETT, Eliza Jane  (1850-    )
SUGGETT, Elizabeth "Betsy"  (1782-1857) 
SUGGETT, Elizabeth Nancy  (1862-    )
SUGGETT, Emily Adair  (1844-    )
SUGGETT, Frances  (c1810s/20s-    )
SUGGETT, Frances Catherine "Fanny Kate"  (1859-    )
SUGGETT, Franklin Volney  (1856-    )
SUGGETT, George Henry  (1848-    )
SUGGETT, James  (1722-1786)
SUGGETT, James Edward  (1854-    )
SUGGETT, Janetta  (c1810s/20s-    )
SUGGETT, Jemima  (c1710s-    )
SUGGETT, Jemima  (1753-1814)
SUGGETT, John, Jr.  (1785-    )
SUGGETT, John H.  (c1810s/20s-    )
SUGGETT, John C.  (1864-    )
SUGGETT, Harriet Wood  (1830s/40s-    )
SUGGETT, Luke Timothy  (1869-    )
SUGGETT, Martha  (c1810s/20s-    )
SUGGETT, Martha  (1859-    )
SUGGETT, Mary Louise  (1841-    )
SUGGETT, Mentor  (c1810s/20s-    )
SUGGETT, Volney  (1816-1880)
SUGGETT, William Manliet  (1852-    )

SUGGS, Elizabeth Lovett  (c1775-    )

SUIT, Emma  (1845-1910)
SUIT, Gaston  (c1819-1850?)
SUIT, James  (1853/4-    )
SUIT, John  (1849)
SUIT, Leark?  (1852/3-    )
SUITT, Lee  (1851-1943)
SUIT, Rufus  (1856/7-    )
SUIT, Sidney  (1843-    )
SUIT, Woodson  (1850/1-    )

SULLAVAN, Margaret Brooke  (1911-1960)
SULLENBERGER, William Roy  (1900-1986) 
SULLENS, Margaret A.  (c1843-    )
SULLIGER, Nancy  (c1960s-    )

SULLIVAN, Alma E.  (1892-1972)
SULLIVAN, Angelina  (1824-    ) 
SULLIVAN, Anna  (c1868-    ) 
SULLIVAN, Austin  (1816-    )
SULLIVAN, Calvin  (1807-1856)
SULLIVAN, Catherine  (1829-    )
SULLIVAN, Charles  (1867/8-    )
SULLIVAN, Charles  (1879-1943)
SULLIVAN, Clara  (1871/2-    )
SULLIVAN, Dulcina  (1818-    )
SULLIVAN, Ella  (1864/5-    )
SULLIVAN, George A.  (1837-    )
SULLIVAN, George B.  (1842-    )
SULLIVAN, George  (1859/60-    )
SULLIVAN, George  (1900/1-    )
SULLIVAN, Harriet  (1835->1880)
SULLIVAN, Hattie M.  (1863/4-    )
SULLIVAN, Herbert  (1865/6-    )
SULLIVAN, James  (1827/8-    )
SULLIVAN, James Wilson  (1868-1930)
SULLIVAN, James H.  (1905/6-    )
SULLIVAN, Jefferson  (1895/6-1966)
SULLIVAN, Jennie  (1862/3-    )
SULLIVAN, Jesse  (1873/4-    )
SULLIVAN, John T.  (1822-    ) 
SULLIVAN, John Henry  (1859/60-1943)
SULLIVAN, John McRaleigh  (1871-1918)
SULLIVAN, Joseph N. "Joe"  (1894-1931)
SULLIVAN, Kathryn / Katherine L.  (1904/5-    )
SULLIVAN, Lily / Lillie  (1886-1962)
SULLIVAN, Malvina  (1832-    )
SULLIVAN, Margaret M.  (1901-    )
SULLIVAN, Marion D.  (1890-    )
SULLIVAN, Mary  (c1882-    ) 
SULLIVAN, Montraville V.  (1827-    ) 
SULLIVAN, Randolph  (1791-    )
SULLIVAN, Sarah Ann  (1832-1853)
SULLIVAN, Sarah Ann "Sally"  (1834-    ) 
SULLIVAN, Sarah "Sally"  (1876/7-    )
SULLIVAN, Sophia  (1820-    )
SULLIVAN, Thomas  (1870-    )
SULLIVAN, Ulysses  (1791-1860)
SULLIVAN, William  (1839-    )
SULLIVAN, William  (1862/3-    )
SULLIVAN, Willis  (c1840s-    ) 
SULLIVAN, Wilson Sanders  (1847-1902)

SULTZBACH, Catharine "Kate" E.  (1876-    ) 
SULTZBACH, George E.  (1880-    ) 
SULTZBACH, Hannah M.  (1883-    ) 
SULTZBACH, Jeremiah  (1851-    ) 

SULVAN, Ricardo Rodia  (1877-c1915) 
SULVAN, Rosamond / Rosemond Louise  (1908-1966) 
SULVAN, Wilhelmina?  (1904/5-    ) 

SUMMERS, Amon  (1847/8-    )
SUMMERS, Charles M.  (1873/4-    )
SUMMERS, Delila  (1864/5-    )
SUMMERS, Elsie  (c1880-    ) 
SUMMERS, Elizabeth  (1767-1857)
SUMMERS, Isaac  (1810-    )
SUMMERS, Jacob  (1806/7-    )
SUMMERS, John  (c17303-    )
SUMMERS, John Calvin  (1853/4-    )
SUMMERS, Johnson  (c1765-1807)
SUMMERS, Joshua  (c1783-1841)
SUMMERS, Joshua  (1850/1-    )
SUMMERS, Julie Ann  (1839/40-    )
SUMMERS, Lithea / Litha E.  (1856/7-    )
SUMMERS / SOMMER, Maria Anna  (1762-<1813)
SUMMERS, Marianne  (c1780s-    )
SUMMERS, Martha "Patsy"  (c1800s/10s-    ) 
SUMMERS, Martha S.  (1836/7-    )
SUMMERS, Mathilda  (c1790s-    )
SUMMERS, Minnie M.  (1876/7-    )
SUMMERS, Sarah "Sally"  (c1750s-    ) 
SUMMERS, Sarah Jane  (1852-    )
SUMMERS, Thomas Charles  (c1852-1870s)

SUMMERVILLE, Isaac J. (1859-1912)
SUMMERVILLE, James  (1838-1909)
SUMMERVILLE, William Thomas  (1865-1940)

SUMMEY, Mary E.  (1845/6-    ) 

SUMMIT, Daniel F.  (c1826-1864) 
SUMMIT, John  (1866/7-    ) 
SUMMIT, Margaret E. "Maggie"  (1849-    ) 
SUMMIT, Susannah "Susan"  (c1753-    )

SUMNEY, Julia Ann  (1831-1908)

SUMNER, Ann  (1806-1872)
SUMNER, Elijah  (1845/6-    )
SUMNER, Frances C.  (1836/7-1880)
SUMNER, James  (c1889-    )
SUMNER, Jesse  (c1770s-    )
SUMNER, Gen. Jethro  (c1740s-    )
SUMNER, Joshua  (1822-1900s) 
SUMNER, Louisa J.  (1850-    )
SUMNER, Mary "Jackie"  (1777-1822) 
SUMNER, Mary Ann "Polly"  (1847/8-    ) 
SUMNER, Nancy M.  (1844/5-    ) 
SUMNER, William  (1792-1856) 
SUMNER, William M.  (1848/9-    ) 

SUMPSION, Jane  (1753-1798)
SUMPTER, Elizabeth  (1804-1836)
SUMPTER, Richard  (c1770s-    )
SUNDERLAND, Samuel  (c1803-    ) 
SUPLER, James  (1847-    )

SURBER, Jacob  (1830/1-    )
SURBER, Kate  (1877-    )
SURBER, Maggie  (1868-    )

SURFACE, Amos  (1839/40-    )
SURFACE, Basil Raymond  (1897/8-1978)
SURFACE, David  (c1800s-    )
SURFACE, David  (1858/9-    )
SURFACE, Eliza Ellen   (1832-1862)
SURFACE, Esther "Effa / Effie"  (1869-1920)
SURFACE, Ethel M.  (c1880?-    )
SURFACE, George W.  (1767-1845)
SURFACE, Rev. George4  (1805-1897) — Adam3, Joh. Ulrick2, Joh. Nicholas Kurt1 ZERFASS (1709-1784) of Rheinland-Pfalz, DEU
SURFACE, George E.  (1836-1907)
SURFACE, George W.  (1836-1904)
SURFACE, George Andrew  (1873-1944)
SURFACE, George  (1875-1891)
SURFACE, George Edward  (1883-1955)
SURFACE, George Elzworth / Elsworth "Elza / Elzie"  (1894-1987)
SURFACE, Hanna Minerva "Minnie"  (1865-1920)
SURFACE, Hiram Price  (1841-1903)
SURFACE, James Henry  (1867-1939)
SURFACE, John William "Bill"  (1864-1942)
SURFACE, Lester H.  (1903/4-    )
SURFACE, Martha Jane  (1846-1881)
SURFACE, Mary Elizabeth SURFACE  (1866-1931)
SURFACE, Michael Albert  (1851-    )
SURFACE, Rev. Philip / Phillip  (1841-1907)
SURFACE, Samuel  (1845/6-    )
SURFACE, Samuel Franklin  (1868-1931)
SURFACE, Samuel Jordan  (1872-1953)
SURFACE, Sarah Ann  (1849-    )
SURFACE, Sarepta Luella "Ella"  (1863-1931)
SURFACE, Walter Aaron  (1883-1968)
SURFACE, Walter Dewees  (1883-1950)
SURFACE, William  (1811-1862)
SURFACE, William Henry  (1830-1912)
SURFACE, William David  (1870-1952)

SURRATT, Benjamin Stokes  (1875-    ) 
SURRATT, Ida C.  (1896/7-    ) 
SURRATT, James O.  (1876/7-    ) 
SURRATT, Julius A. Monroe  (1851-1923)
SURRATT, May  (1880-    ) 
SURRATT, Richard L.  (1821/2-1904) 

SUTERMISTER, H. [male]  (c1871-    )

SUTHERLAND, David  (1600s/1700s-    )
SUTHERLAND, Effie V.  (1885-1974)
SUTHERLAND, Elbert Winston  (1870-1912/3)
SUTHERLAND, Foy Hix  (1872-1948)
SUTHERLAND, Francis Marion  (1831-1917)
SUTHERLAND, John  (1790-1844)
SUTHERLAND, Kelly McBride  (1879-1959)
SUTHERLAND, Lettie Alice  (1890-1977)
SUTHERLAND, Orville Alex  (1875-1932)
SUTHERLAND, Robert F.  (1890-    )
SUTHERLAND, Samuel Crockett  (1882/3-1965)
SUTHERLAND, Sarah  (1860/1-    )
SUTHERLAND, William  (1600s/1700s-    )

SUTHERSON, Anna  (c1800s-    )
SUTLIEF, Olive  (c1780s-    )
SUTPHEN, Christopher  (c1787 -    )
SUTTER — see also SAUTER
SUTTER, Susanna J.  (c1830s-    )
SUTTERFIELD, Artemisia Jane  (c1854-    ) 
SUTTERFIELD, James  (c1820s-    ) 
SUTTLES, John Louis  (c1861-    )

SUTTON, Ann  (c1586-    )
SUTTON, Daniel M.  (c1810s-    ) 
SUTTON, Eva M.  (1863-    )
SUTTON, John  (c1809-    )
SUTTON, John  (c1810s-    )
SUTTON, John Wesley  (c1830s/40s-    )
SUTTON, Margaret  (c1840s-    )
SUTTON, Mary Haviland  (c1870s-    )
SUTTON, Nancy  (1805-1887)
SUTTON, Rt. Hon. Sir Robert  (c1740s-    )

SVENSON, Anna Margareta  (c1820s-    )

SWAB, Clarence E.  (1904/5-    )
SWAB, Harry D.  (1875/6-    )
SWAB, James  (1853/4-    )
SWAB, Jennie  (c1865-    )

SWAFFORD, Mrs. Sarah "Sally" (__?__)  (<1765-    ) 

SWAIN, John  (c1757-    ) 
SWAIN, Joshua  (c1730-    ) 
SWAIN, Sarah "Sally"  (1787-1844) 

SWALBERG, Carl August  (1866-1905)
SWALBERG, Grace Emily  (1896-1984)

SWAN, Ann  (1838/9-    )
SWAN, Ebenezer  (c1668-    )
SWAN, Ellen A.  (1841/2-    ) 
SWAN, George W.  (1839/40-    )
SWAN, James G.  (1811/2-    ) 
SWAN, Mary  (c1740s-    ) 
SWAN, Robert  (c1710s-    ) 

SWANGEL, Benjamin  (1830s-    )
SWANGEL, Johann Carl / John Charles  (1780s-1840s) 
SWANGEL, Nancy  (1830s-    )
SWANGEL, Sarah Ann  (1830s-    )

SWANK, Ephraim  (1850/1-    )
SWANK, Henry  (1825-    )
SWANK, Jacob  (c1810s-    ) 
SWANK, John  (1793-1866) 
SWANK, Philipena  (c1826-    ) 

SWANN, Margaret C.  (c1790s-    ) 
SWANN, Maud M.  (1886/7-    )

SWANSON, Edwin Alfred  (1891-1962)
SWANSON, Elmer Bert  (1884-1942)
SWANSON, John Nelse  (1858-1946)
SWANSON, Marna / Marnea / Mamie Amanda  (1887-1963)

SWARTZEL, Harriet  (1847/8-    )

SWASEY, Hazel E.  (1895-    )
SWASEY, Heny Byron  (1897-1956)
SWASEY, John J.  (1877-    )
SWASEY, Myrtle Agnes  (1896-    )

SWAYER, John  (c1820s-    ) 
SWAYNE, Frank  (1888/9-    )

SWEARINGEN, Charles  (c1740s-    )
SWEARINGEN, Elizabeth  (c1750s-    ) 
SWEARINGEN, John  (c1690s-    ) 
SWEARINGEN, Lavina  (c1790s-    ) 
SWEARINGEN, Lydia  (1726-1798) 
SWEARINGEN, Ruth  (c1720s-    ) 
SWEARINGEN, Samuel  (c1720s-    ) 
SWEARINGEN, Susannah  (1773-1851) 

SWEANY, Anna  (1866/7-    )
SWEANY, Margaret  (1826/7-    ) — probably her married name
SWEENEY, Martha  (c1789-    ) 
SWEENEY, Mary J.  (1844-    )
SWEENEY, Robert Vernon  (1920-1994)
SWEENEY, Vernon Robert  (1895-1969) 

SWEET, Arvilla Frances  (1842-    ) 
SWEET, Fred  (1865/6-    )

SWEETLAND / SWETLAND, Holley [male]  (1863/4-    )
SWEETLAND, Mehitable  (1710s/20s-    )

SWEIGARD, Aaron  (1865/6-    ) 
SWIGART, Daniel  (1824/5-    )
SWEIGARD, Elmer Clayton  (1883-    ) 
SWEIGARD, Elmer  (1924/5-    )
SWEIGARD, Margaret E.  (1908-    )
SWEIGARD, Melvin L.  (1903-1986) 
SWEIGARD, Michael William  (1859-    ) 
SWEIGARD, Monte J.  (1927-    )

SWETZEALLE, Susanna "Susan"  (1840/1-    ) 

SCHWEYER, Jacob  (1792-1846) 
SWEYER, [Martha?] "Patsy / Passah / Passy / Tassie"  (1816-1893)
SWEYER, Mary  (1816/7-    )
SWEYER, Sarah  (1830-    )

SWICK, Lula Mae  (1879-1932) — Lewis R.2, Martin1

SWIFT, James Welborn  (1792-1844)
SWIFT, James Perry  (1825/6-    )
SWIFT, John  (1770-1840)
SWIFT, Margaret "Peggy"  (c1740s/50s-    )
SWIFT, Richard  (c1770s-    ) 

SWINEFORD, Amelia C.  (1839-1928)
SWINEFORD, Caroline  (c1826-    )
SWINEFORD, Elizabeth  (1841/2-    )
SWINEFORD, George Michael  (1764-1812/18)
SWINEFORD, George W.  (1792/3-1850s)
SWINEFORD, Mary Ann  (1822-1872)
SWINEFORD, Melinda / Malinda  (1824/5-    ) 
SWINEFORD, Philip  (1830-1895)
SWINEFORD, Rosanne Harriet  (1847-    )

SWINEHART, Lewis  (1826/7-    )
SWINEHART, Margaret Turner  (c1840s-   )
SWINEHART, William  (c1810s-    )

SWINERTON, Benjamin  (c1690-    )
SWINFEN, Mr.  (c1510s-    )
SWINNEY, Ella  (1847/8-    ) 
SWINTON, Leon R.  (1869-    ) 

SWISHER, Arah "Ary / Arie"  (1849-    )
SWISHER, Eleanor / Ellen C.  (1839-    )
SWISHER, Emma Alice Belle  (1857-1907)
SWISHER, Hannah Louise  (1851-1921)
SWISHER, Harriet D.  (1845/7-    )
SWISHER, Henry M.  (1837-1856)
SWISHER, Horatio Morgan  (1815-1889)
SWISHER, Jacob  (1785-1858)
SWISHER, Jacob Jerome  (1841-    )
SWISHER, Samuel Preston  (1843-    )
SWISHER, Zadoc Horatio  (1858-    )

SWITZER, Augustus T.  (c1833/36->1880)
SWITZER, Frances "Fanny"  (1806/7-    ) 
SWITZER, Parilee / Paralee  (1873/4->1930)

SWITZGABLE, Susanna "Susan"  (1840/1-    ) 

SWOPE, Albert C.  (1857/8-1880s/90s)
SWOPE, George C.  (1828/9-1850s)
SWOPE, Harriet  (c1860s-    ) 
SWOPE, Jacob  (1760s-    )
SWOPE, Jacob  (c1798-    ) 
SWOPE, Lawrence  (c1775-    ) 
SWOPE, Mary C.  (1850/1-    ) 
SWOPE, Ovid Woodson  (1875-1960) 
SWOPE, William  (c1853-c1920s)

SWORD, Margaret  (c1750s-    )
SWORDS, Andrew Jackson  (1824-    )
SWORDS, Nancy J. Elizabeth "Lizzie"  (1853-1920s)
SYDNOR, Ruth  (c1700s-    )
SYFERS, Gertrude Caroline  (c1860s-    )
SYME, Girssoll  (c1609-    )
SYMINGTON, Catherine Louise  (c1860s-    ) 
SYPES, Henry  (1851/2-    ) 


A Ba Be-Bl Bo Br-Bro Bru-Bz Ca-Cl Co-Cz Da-De Di-Dy E F Ga-Gl Go-Gw Haa-Han Har-Haz He-Hi Hoa-Hop Hor-Hy  I  J K
La-Le Li-Ly Mac/Mc Ma-Me Mi-Mz N O P Q Ra-Ri Roa-Ror Ros Rot-Ry Sa-Se Sh-Sl Sm-So Sp-Ste Sti-Sz T U V Wa-Wh Wi-Wz Y Z

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