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Jane Goodin STRONG
Husband:  John THOMPSON
Birth:  1782, prob. SC
Death;  Sep 1833 or Aug 1837, Cape Girardeau Co., MO
Father:  Capt. John THOMPSON
Marriage:  18 May 1805, Christian Co., KY
Wife:  Jane Goodin STRONG
Birth:  1791, Buckingham Co., VA
Death:  1839
Father:  Johnson STRONG
Mother:  Mary Ann __?__
1.  Cyrus Burton THOMPSON, b. aft. 1805 
2.  John THOMPSON, Jr.
3.  James THOMPSON
4.  Harrison S. THOMPSON, b. 13 Nov 1813; in 1837, moved to Thompson Bend, Mississippi Co., MO
Keywords for search engines:  genealogy; USA, US, United States, Kentucky, Missouri, South Carolina, Virginia

Sources (n.b., from 1798 to 1806, Henderson Co. was adjacent to northern Christian Co.; it later became Hopkins Co.):

1a.  Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry.  [nd]  Marriage Records of Christian County, Kentucky, 1795-1825.  Typescript (LDS Film No. 0908037, Item #6).  On p. 57:
Thompson, John to Jane Strong 18 May 1805 John Strong

1b.  Jordan R. Dodd, ed.  1993.  Kentucky Marriages: Early to 1850.  Liahona Research, Orem, UT (Broderbund CD-229):
Thompson, John Strong, Jane 18 May 1805 Christian Co.

1c.  D.L. Murray & N.R. Murray, compilers.  1995. Marriage Index: IL, IN, KY, OH, TN, 1720-1926. (Broderbund CD-2):
Thompson, John Strong, Jane 18 May 1805 Christian Co., KY

2.Christian County, Kentucky, Tax Rolls, 1797-1816.  Heritage Quest, Microfilm No. V20-72 (extracted by Diana Gale Matthiesen):
Year District Dates of 
Persons Names 
Chargeable with
the Tax
A B C D E F Acres Watercourse In Whose Name
In Whose Name
In Whose Name
1st 2nd 3rd
1801 North  March 11 Thompson John Junr 1 - - - - - - 80 - [Henderson Co.] Jas Thompson Jr J Thompson Jr  
1802   July 29 Thompson John*
[plus John, Jr., and James, Jr.]
3 - 1 2 6 - -
Pond R
Pond R
Pond R
Pond R
Pond R
[Henderson ???]
J Thompson
J Thompson
Jas Thompson
Jas Thompson
John Thompson
Jas Thompson
1803   Aug 2 Thompson John Jr 1 - - - - - -  80 - [Henderson Co.] J Thompson Same  
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Legend for numerical data [grey indicates that particular datum was not taken that year]:  A = White Males 21 or over; B = White Males 16-20; C = Blacks over 16; D = Total Blacks; E = Horses & Mares (gelded male horses and female horses); F = Stud Horses (intact male horses); 1st/2nd/3rd refer to 1st Rate, 2nd Rate, or 3rd Rate land.
*This is the tax record of Capt. John Thompson, Sr., father of our subject.  There are two white males over age 21 living with him, obviously his two eldest sons, John and James, who are of age, but as yet unmarried.  For whatever reason, in some years the tax collector listed the three separately and, in other years, together.  The 165 acres of 2nd rate land  and the 100 acres of 3rd rate land on Pond River belong to the father, Capt. John.  The 150 and 100 acre parcels of 2nd rate land on Pond River belong to James, Jr.  The 80 acres in Henderson Co. belong to John Jr.  I don't know which of them owns the remaining 100 acres of 2nd rate land on Pond River (looks like papa).

3.  Lon Arneld Bostick, Sr. & James Taylor Killebrew.  1985.  County Court Order Book "A" for Christian County, Kentucky for the Years 21 March 1797 - 29 August 1805...  Christian County Genealogical Society (1101 Bethel St., Hopkinsville, KY 42240).  First column is the page number in Bostick & Killebrew; second column is the page number in Court Order Book A.
p. p. Date Motions
41 23 20 May 1800 On motion of John Thompson ordered that John Roberts, Robt. Cravens, John Williams, John Cordry, Nicholas Pyle, Ab__?__ Stuart, James Thompson, Jr., and John Thompson, Sr., be appointed to view and mark a road beginning at the County line on a direction from Port Royal to the Hyland Lick in Henderson County the nearest and best way until they come to Henderson County line and make report hereof to our next Court.
From 1798 to 1806, Henderson Co. was adjacent to northern Christian Co.  John had land in Henderson Co., so it's no surprise that he should be proposing a road in the district.

4.  Christian County Genealogical Society.  1997.  Christian County, Kentucky, Deed Abstracts of Books G-H-I (1816-1819).  Christian Co. Gen. Soc. (1101 Bethel St.), Hopkinsville, KY 42240.
p. 126  DBI-336-Sept. 3, 1818, from JOHN THOMPSON of Cape Girardo Co., Missouri Territory, and BURFORD LEWIS, for $1.00, 200 A. on Cace(?) Creek Water of Little River, granted to John Thompson assignee of John Strong, assignee of Michael Dillingham.  S/John Thompson, Rec. 7 Sept. 1818.
This has to be John Jr. because Capt. John died 17 Jan 1818.

5.  Will said to be proved 13 Aug 1837, Book B, p. 90, Cape Girardeau Co., MO [can't remember where I got this, mea culpa].

6.  Betty Rolwing Darnell.  1999.  John Thompson of Christian County, Kentucky, and Cape Girardeau County, Missouri, and His Descendants.  Self-published.  Says John Jr. is not John Harrison or Harrison John.  UPDATE: a new edition (2007) is available from the author.

7.  LDS.  Ancestral File (online).  Calls our subject, "John Thompson."

8.  Query RE:  John THOMPSON from the Thompson Family Magazine.  Calls our subject, "John (Harrison J.) Thompson." 

9.  Archives of the THOMPSON-L mailing list (online at RootsWeb.com).  One post calls our subject, "John Washington Thompson."

10.  Broderbund.  World Family Trees.  Vol. 6, Pedigree No. 2211.  Calls our subject, "John Harrison Thompson, Jr."

11.  "Family Group Sheet No. 54023:  Capt. John Thompson, Sr."  Submitted by Betty R. Darnell (204 Hartford Dirve, Mt. Washington, KY 40047).  Dated 1991.  Everton Family File, Vol. 4 (Everton Publishers; Broderbund CD-14).  Calls the above "John Thompson, Jr."

12.  Email from Betty R. Darnell.

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