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The CARRICO Y-chromosome DNA Surname Project
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This project utilizes Y-chromosome DNA testing as a tool for genealogical
research on surname CARRICO and similar surnames and spelling variations.
The project is based at FamilyTreeDNA,
but people tested elsewhere are welcome to join by sharing results and
lineages, either unofficially or by officially
Human gender is genetically determined by a pair of chromosomes that are, by convention, designated XX for females and XY for males. Only males have the Y-chromosome, and because the male Y-chromosome is handed down from father to son through the generations, Y-DNA testing can identify common ancestors on the patrilineal line. Y-DNA testing is an extremely powerful tool for supporting pedigrees and for breaking past brick walls where paper genealogy has failed to go. Some questions to be answered are: 1) How many different families are represented by these surnames, and what are their geographic origins?Known origins in the Old World include CARRIÇO / CARRICO and CARRIÇA / CARRICA in Portugal, CARRICA in Spain, CARICO in Italy, CARACO in Spain, Italy, and Turkey, and CARASSO in Spain and Greece. Their present distribution is, of course, more widespread.2) How many immigrated to the United States, and when? Are all the early CARRICOs in the U.S. descended from just the one progenitor, Peter CARRICO, the 1674 immigrant to Maryland?The final answers will require DNA testing, but the summary of CARRICO / CARICO census records in the U.S. is relevant to these questions.3) Was Peter CARRICO, many of whose descendants are Roman Catholic, related to the converso, Pero Dias CARRICO, who was imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition in Portugal in 1629-33 for the crime of "Judaismo" and forced to convert to Catholicism to gain his release? 4) Can I prove my own paper pedigree?Genealogy has always been a cooperative endeavor, but never more so than in proving our ancestry genetically. From my point of view, every male CARRICO owes it to their name to get tested, whether they're interested in their own genealogy, or not. If you are researching CARRICO or any similar surname, please consider having a male family member submit a sample to the project. The more participants we have, the more we can prove about our origins.A negative result can instantly disprove an erroneous pedigree, while a positive result provides very strong support for a correct one. The degree (the specificity) to which we will be able to support our paper pedigrees depends largely on the number of CARRICOs tested and on the number of markers each tests: the more markers tested and the more individuals tested, the more specific the conclusions can be. [ Answers to Frequently Asked Questions ] [ Basics of DNA Testing for Genealogy ] [ More on Genealogy and Genetics ] |
This site includes a distribution map of member origins. Family
To join the CARRICO Y-DNA Surname Project, please email the project Administrator. |
Members of the CARRICO project currently fall into ten unrelated groups — unrelated, that is, in "genealogical time." We're all related if you go back far enough.
It was expected that the paper descendants of Peter CARRICO, 1674 immigrant to Maryland, would match closely, and they do. In addition, their haplotypes are extremely rare, so Peter's descendants should have no difficulty proving their connection to him. Other lines, without paper connections to Peter, but presumed to be his descendants, have been connected via DNA test results, namely:
The NPE in the line of Reason CARRICO was an unpleasant surprise. With the testing of enough cousins, the location of this NPE can be determined. With the testing of enough LITTLETONs, we may be able to isolate their probable common ancestor. Because many have suspected the origin of the 1764 immigrant to Maryland was Portugal, it has been a disappointment to the American CARRICOs that none of the CARRICOs with an origin in Portugal tested, so far, has matched them — nor have the Portuguese CARRIÇOs matched each other. Most surnames have multiple origins, and CARRICO is proving to be no exception. It was no surprise that the two CARACOs from Bursa, Turkey, matched each other, while not matching the other CARRICOs, but one turns out to be intriguing in his own right because he's only the second known practicing Sephardic Jew who has tested as Haplogroup L (as of Aug 2008). It was also no surprise that the two CARASSOs from Salonica, Greece, matched each other. I would invite the one who has not joined the project to please do so. Time to drum up some new members! Remember, the best way to improve your chances for a match is to bring more members into the project. |
In recognition of the fact that some individuals may find the cost of DNA testing prohibitive and that these individuals may be the only representatives of key lines in our genealogical research, Family Tree DNA has instituted "General Funds" to allow researchers to subsidize the testing of these key individuals. The fund can also be used as a simple way to give someone a gift of DNA testing. Please see this link at Family Tree DNA for more details. And please consider a donation to the project as a way of bringing more lines into the project, especially to help some of our elder kin be tested who may not otherwise be able to afford it. There is also a field on the donation form allowing you to make a donation in honor of a specific person. The funds will be entirely collected and held by Family Tree DNA, but their dispursement is implemented by your project administrator. You can inform your project adminstrator whose test you want subsidized with your donation or, if you wish, you can leave it up to the project administrator to decide where the funds can best be applied. Please note that anonymous donations are not just anonymous to the public; they are also anonymous to the project admin. If you want the admin to know you made the donation and/or have a special request for how it is to be spent, please notify the admin by email at the time you make the donation. There has been an instance in one of my projects where a donor sent a prospective member a check, then the person never followed through by joining the project. This situation can be avoided if the researcher has, instead, donated the money to the project's General Fund, because the money simply won't be spent if the person fails to join. There has also been an instance in one of my projects where a donor agreed to fund a test based on the promise of a secure line to their progenitor, only for me to discover there was an adoption in the line. In this case, the researcher had donated their money to the General Fund, and I caught the NPE in time to deny the subsidy to the test subject. This situation is also a reminder to examine someone's line, yourself, before agreeing to subsidize their test — not that there was intentional deception here, just flawed paper genealogy. Bottom line: before sending a stranger a check, please consider making a donation to the project's General Fund, instead. And, please, in no case send money to me; I do not want the responsibility of handling it. |
If you want to increase the probability of making a match and speed up the progress of this project, please offer to subsidize a test, even if it's with just $10. Donations can easily be made through the project's General Fund (see above), and any specific subsidy can be listed below. If you have a line you want tested, please consider offering a subsidy to encourage a volunteer.
Mailing List at RootsWeb
Anyone interested is welcome to join the list, whether a member of the DNA project, or not. Note that the above is a different mailing list from the
Message Boards at GenForum: CARRICO | CARICO Message Boards at RootsWeb/Ancestry: CARRICO | CARICO If you seek general information about genetic genealogy, I recommend
subscribing to
And for the gateway to genealogy web links, specifically DNA links, see Cyndi's List - DNA. |
Other CARRICO/etc. Links
(On Site)
in the United States Censuses
Every-Name Index to CARRICO Family Group Sheets Direct Access to the /Car/ Folder of CARRICO/etc. Family Group Sheets A Timeline of CARRICO in Early Charles County, Maryland A Timeline of CARRICO in Early Kentucky A Business
& Professional Web Directory of CARRICO/etc.
The Descent of Robbie CARRICO, 2008 American Idol Semi-Finalist, from Peter CARRICO I |
CARICO, CARRICO, and CARRICOE Families (Linda Boorom) CARRICO Genealogy Site [link died] (Ken Carrico) The CARRICO/CARICO Connection (Pamela A. Carico) Descendants of Peter CARRICOE I (Al Beard) Hume Family Web Site: Peter CARRICO (James R. Hume) |
The project administrator and webmaster is yours truly, Diana Gale Matthiesen. I am a volunteer and receive no financial remuneration of any kind from FamilyTreeDNA. I'm a retired zoologist/paleontologist, and genealogy is my hobby. My interest here stems from my being a descendant of Charles CARRICO of Sullivan Co., IN, whom DNA test results have proven is a descendant of Peter CARRICO I, the 1674 immigrant to Maryland, although a paper connection has not yet been made. My CARRICO line daughtered-out when Charles's daughter, Catherine CARRICO, married Joseph TRIMBLE, in Indana. |
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