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Deed: Peter THOMPSON to Robert G. WAGGONER, 27 Jul 1826 |
Source: Todd County, Kentucky, Deed Book D, pp. 233-234. LDS Microfilm #0355906 (transcribed by Diana Gale Matthiesen, May 2001). |
This Indenture made this 27th day of July one thousand eight hundred and twenty six between Peter Thompson of the County of Todd and State of Kentucky of the one part and Robert G Waggoner of Said County of the other part Witnesseth that the said Peter Thompson for and in consideration of the Sum of seven dollars and fifty cents to him in hand paid by the Said Robert G Waggoner the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged has bargained and Sold and by these presents doth bargain and Sell unto the Said Robert G Waggoner or his heir and assigns a certain piece or parcel of land containing half an acre lying in the above named county on the sinking fork of the west fork of Red river being a part of Reddiks military and bounded as follows viz Beginning at an apple tree in the west boundery line of Said military and about ten poles east of Said Waggoners house thence East eight poles to a small black gum and rock thence South ten poles to a rock thence west eight poles to a rock thence north ten poles to the BeginningTo have and to hold the above named piece of land with all its appurtanances unto the Said Robert G Waggoner his heirs and assigns forever And the Said Peter |
Thompson for himself his heirs and assigns doth hereby covenant and agree with the Said Robert G Waggoner to defend the right and title of said piece of land unto the Said Robert G Wagonner his heirs and assigns against the claim or claims of all and every person or persons whatsoever In testimony whereof the Said Peter Thompson has hereunto set his hand and affixes his Seal the day and year first above written Peter Thompson {Seal}
John Man W B New I Willis L Reeves Clerk of Said County Court do hereby certify that the foregoing Indenture of Bargain and Sale from Peter Thompson to Robert G Waggoner was on the 28th day of July 1826 produced to me in my office and proven by the oaths of William B New and or the 7th day of August 1826 more fully proven by the Oath of John Mann both Subscribing witnesses thereto to be the act and deed hand and Seal of the Said Peter Thompson and the Same is ordered to be recorded In Testimony whereof and that the Same together with this certificate stands truly recorded in my Said office I have hereunto set my hand the 7th day of August 1826 Willis L Reeves
Family Group Sheet of Peter THOMPSON |
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"The Cloud" is double-speak for "dumb terminal
on a main frame." Been there; done that. Never again.
You are giving away not only your privacy, but control of your data, your apps, and your computer to a corporation. Is that really where you want to go? The IT guys on the big iron hated the Personal Computer because it gave users freedom and power; now they've conned you into being back under their control. |
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Policy ______
Every-Name Index
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