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Will of George ELY of Washington Co., PA, 1824 |
Source: Mary Ann Stewart Kaylot's web site, Our Ely Family Genealogy. (Identity of the transcriber is not given.) | ||||
Genealogical Summary:
Testator: George Y? Ely of Finley Twp., Washington Co., PA
Witnesses: Elinor Enlow/Inlow, Henry Enlow/Inlow Recorder: John Grayson Date signed: 10 Apr 1824 Date proved: 1 Apr 1830 Source: Washington Co., PA, Will Book #4, p. 502. *George's son-in-law is Rosanna's husband, Andrew Stollar. |
In the name of God, Amen, I, George Ely of Washington county,
Finley Township and state of Pennsylvania, being sickly and weake of body
but of sound mind memory and understanding praised be God to it and considering
the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time thereof and to the
end that I may be the better prepared to leave this world whenever it shall
please God to call me hence to therefore make and declare this my last
will and testament in manner following that is to say,
first and principally of all I commend my soul to almighty God my creator hoping for free pardon and remission of all my sins and to enjoy everlasting happiness in the heavenly kingdom through Jesus Christ my saviour. My body I commit to the earth at the discresion of my surviving Executors herein after named and as ____such wordly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner that is to say first it is my will that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid. Secondly it is my will that my well beloved wife Christian Ely shall have my now home plantation together with all that appertains unto the same during her widowhood together with two cows two sheeps her bed and beding together with fifty dollars worth of my household furniture taken at the praisement all of which estate and property at the end of her widowhood shall be sold by my Executors and devided equally among my children that is to say my son Henry Ely, Rosannah Stoller, George Ely, John Ely, Christian Stoller, Peter Ely, Daniel Ely, Catherine Dennis and my daughter Mary |
and further my property money or obligations that shall or may
remain in my Estate or property after my decease shall in like manner be
equally divided amongst my aforesaid children and as to my money &
property that I have [looked?] to my & all my children that one has
received more than another. Each one that has received one more than
the other shall reimburse back to my said Executors to be equally divided
amongst my before named children & as my son Jonas Ely has has
received his full portion of my Estate and more and I do further dissolve?
and revoke all and every other former will and testament and declare this
and no other to be my last will and testament and I do further make and
appoint my son-in-law Andrew Stallion and Henry Enlow as
executors of this my last will and testament as witness my hand and seal
this tenth day of April in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred
and twenty four-----
Washington County, PA
Family Group Sheet of George ELY & Christina STROH-SCHNEIDER |
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