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Samuel Dempsey JENKINS
Husband:  Samuel Dempsey JENKINS
Birth:  22 Nov 1773, Hertford Co., NC
Death:  22 Apr 1822, Edgecombe Co., NC
Father:  Andrew JENKINS
Mother:  Mildred DAVID
Wife:  Mary PERRY
Birth:  25 Jul 1770, NC
Death:  1 Aug 1851, Edgecombe Co., NC
Other Spouse:  m2. 29 Dec 1827, Edgecombe Co., NC, Daniel HOPKINS
Father:  Josiah PERRY (1741-1820)
Mother:  Elizabeth TWINE (c1744-c1776)
Children — born in Edgecombe Co., NC:
.  Samuel JENKINS
.  Joseph J. JENKINS

1.  Elizabeth JENKINS, b. ca. 1801
2.  Sarah JENKINS, b. ca. 1806
3.  Josiah D. JENKINS, b. ca. 1811
4.  James Freeman JENKINS, b. ca. 1813

Keywords for search engines:  genealogy; USA, US, United States, North Carolina


1.  Marriage Record:
Edge. Co Db 17, page 79, date of deed 20 Jun 1818, date recorded Feb Ct. 1820, Timothy Garrett, Edge. Co. to John Garrett, for $800, a tract of land containing 100 acres, on the east side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a gum in William Balfour's line Bateman's corner then along said Bateman's line south to a stake in the marsh John Garrett's corner then along said Garrett's line east to red oak T. Outlaw's corner then along said Outlaw's line north to a pine in William Balfour's line said Outlaw's other corner then along said Balfour's line west to the beginning, signed Timothy Garrett, wit. Dempsey Jenkins, Samuel P. Jenkins. Abstracted 6-9-02, From LDS film, CTC.
Edge. Co. Db 17, page 92, deed date 1 Aug 1819, recorded Feb Ct 1820, Redmon Curl, Edge. Co. to Dempsey Jenkins, Edge. Co. for $600, a tract of land on (both sides) of Cokey Swamp beginning at a pine Samuel Skinner's corner then south 60 poles to a white oak and black then west to a white live oak then north 326 poles to a red oak then east (140) poles to a red oak then south 40 poles to Tyan Cokey Swamp in Skinner's line then by the said line (60) west 80 poles to Skinner's corner then by his other line south 30 east to first station, containing 325 acres, signed Redmon Curl, wit. E. Bullock, Etheldred Cohoon (X). Abstracted 8-25-03 from RD copy, CTC.
Edge. Co. Db 17, page 93, deed date 29 Nov 1819, recorded Feb Ct 1820, Jonas Dunn, Edge. Co. to John Wilkinson, Sr, Edge. Co. for $1300, a tract of land containing about 175 acres on the south side of Town Creek beginning at a small black oak and running oak at or near the former old corner on the bank of said creek then south (198) poles to a hickory then to (Lamon) Dunn's line then about west along said line to the little branch John Wilkinson's line then down the various courses of said branch to a white oak at the road then north along said Wilkinson's line to a holly in Town Creek then down the various courses of said creek to the beginning, signed Jonas Dunn (X), wit. L. Dunn, Dempsey Jenkins. Abstracted 8-25-03 from RD copy, CTC. 
Edge. Co. Db 17, page 95, deed date 28 Feb 1820, recorded Feb Ct 1820, Joshua K. Bullock, Edge. Co to Peggy Peele, county aforesaid for $100, a tract on the south side of Porters Branch beginning at a pine in Wilkinson's line then north 2 west 68 poles to a pine then north 6 west 39 poles to a pine then north 22 east 42 poles to a hickory & sourwood then south 77 east down Porters Branch 21 poles to the center of three trees post oak pine & hickory then south 4 east along Dempsey Jenkins line 142 poles to a pine in said line then west 49 poles to the beginning, containing (38) acres, signed Joshua K. Bullock, wit Jonathan Bullock (proved), John Wilkinson, Jr. Abstracted 31 Jul 07, NCA film C.037.40015, CTC.
Edge. Co. Db 17, page 102, deed date 6 Oct 1819, recorded Feb Ct 1820, Lovet Killebrew, Edge. Co to Dempsey Jenkins, county aforesaid for $400, a tract on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp then south 53 west 448 poles to a stake then south 55 poles to a lightwood & stake then north 53 east 488 poles to an ash in said swamp then up the various courses of said swamp to the beginning, containing 126 acres, signed Lovet Killebrew, wit W.L. Balfour, Th Parker (proved).  Abstracted 1 Aug 07, NCA film C.037.40015, CTC.
Edge. Co. Db 17, page 104, deed date 29 Sep 1819, recorded Feb CT 1820, Thomas C. Conner, Edge. Co to William Peel, county aforesaid for $1200, a tract beginning at a pine the south side of the Mill Branch in the former line of Richard Sasnett, dec'd standing on the north side of Clarys Branch then down the various courses of said branch to the mouth of a small branch making into Clarys then up the various courses of said small branch to a marked pine in Zachariah Sasnett's line then along said line Lodge's corner then along said Lodge's line and the line of the land that John Sasnett formerly lived on to a pine standing in the head of a small branch making into the mill branch then down the said branch to said mill branch then up the various courses of said branch to Abram Rhoads line then along said line to the first station, containing 173 acres, it being that tract of land vested in Dempsey Jenkins trustee for said Conner and Benjamin Sharp and John Wilkinson to secure to them payment of $1000 for which they were security for said Conners in the Branch Bank at Tarborough, signed Thos C. Conner, Dempsey Jenkins, Benjamin Sharp, John Wilkinson, wit Saml H. Jenkins, Hillary Peel (mark HP joined together)(proved). Abstracted 1 Aug 07, NCA film C.037.40015, CTC. 
Edge. Co. Db 17, page 106, deed date 25 Nov 1819, recorded Feb Ct 1820, Samuel Jenkins, Edge. Co to Theophilus Parker for $450, a Negro boy named Abraham, signed Samuel Jenkins (middle initial possibly P), wit Dempsey Jenkins, Willie Bryan.  Abstracted 1 Aug 07, NCA film C.037.40015, CTC. 
Edge. Co. Db 17, page 106, deed date 18 Nov 1819, recorded Feb Ct 1820, Dempsey Eure by S.L. Hart, High Sheriff of Edge. Co at public auction to Dempsey Jenkins for $200, a Negro boy boy, Jim, by order issued by Nov Ct 1819, signed S.L. Hart, Sheriff, acknowledged by S.L. Hart in court. Abstracted 1 Aug 07, NCA film C.037.40015, CTC. 

WorldConnect / WorldTree (online at RootsWeb.com/Ancestry.com).  A file there indicates the bondsman for our subject's marriage was John PERRY, the witness was Stevens GRAY.

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