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Diana, Goddess
of the Hunt — for Ancestors!
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Y-DNA SNP Haplotree for the Haplogroup R-DF5 Middlesex LYON(S) |
The descendants of the LYONs
of Middlesex, England, have tested positive for the DF5 SNP, but negative
(so far) for all known downstream SNPs making them R-DF5*, a.k.a.,
"root" R-DF5. We very much need at least two more Middlesex LYONs
— ones with good paper trails to their progenitor — to be BigY tested to
explore whether we possess a SNP downstream of DF5.
I say two "more" LYONs because the one who took the BigY has left FTDNA making his results and matches unavailable. We currently have one LYON and a COMB (with an NPE) who have taken the R-Z246 SNP Pack, which is the reason we know they are negative for all known SNPs downstream of DF5. But the SNP packs test only known SNPs, unlike the BigY, which is an exploratory test, capable of finding new SNPs. If you are a Middlesex LYON, please consider being BigY tested, and please note that the BigY test includes over 500 STR markers, which can be of use in identifying branches in the family, provided enough LYONs take the test. |
Below, I've created four haplotrees. The first haplotree is focused
on the path from Haplogroup R (R-M170) to Haplogroup R-DF5 and is a merger
of the FTDNA and ISOGG trees. The two haplotrees correlate fairly
well, differing in 4 steps out of roughly 22, so they could be managed
in a single table.
The other three haplotrees represent the tree downstream of R-DF5, namely, the FTDNA haplotree, the ISOGG haplotree, and Alex Williamson's, The Big Tree. The three trees are too different to merge into one, especially in the case of the ISOGG tree, which has fallen far behind the other two in terms of being updated downstream of DF5. I've added the STR Groups from the Haplogroup R-DF21 Project to the FTDNA and ISOGG haplotrees downstream of DF5, to see how well the STR clusters fit with the haplotree. I did this, in part, as a learning tool for myself, but mainly in anticipation that BigY testing will find us a spot downstream of DF5. The Big Tree is too different from the subdivisions in the R-DF21 Project for me to include the groups in the depiction of that tree. |
The SNPs indicated in black boldface are the positive ones from
the R-Z246 SNP pack testing of #202951, a descendant of William LYON of
Roxbury. The SNPs indicated in blue boldface
are the additional positive ones from another R-Z246 SNP pack test,
this one for #293554, a COMBS with a 107/111 STR match with the modal haplotype
of the Middlesex LYONs, indicating he has an NPE in his patrilineal line.
He, too, is DF5+ and negative for downstream SNPs. A third individual,
THORPE #B63883, is the descendant of an illegitimate son of Nancy THORP.
He has a 110/111 match with the Middlesex LYON modal STR haplotype, and
individual SNP tests at YSeq show him to be positive for DF5 and S191,
all supporting that he is a Middlesex LYON on his patrilineal line.
Negative downstream SNPs are indicated in red. |
[This is the haplotree you see on your member page at FTDNA.]
(parts of tree upstream of DF5 not extracted, but SNP path from D21 to DF5 shown just below) DF21 > Z30233 > FGC3903 > CTS8704 > Z246 > DF25 > DF5 Only individuals who have taken advanced deep SNP testing (e.g., the BigY or Full Genomes) are included in The Big Tree.
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#202951 — desc/o William LYON of Roxbury
DF5+, P312+, L21+, DF21+, DF25+, DF5+, FGC3903+,
S5199+, DF25+, Z17556+, Z248+,
Z29559-, Z29561-, Z29562-, Z29563-, CTS3655-, Z29565-, Z29567-, Z29568-, Z29569-, ZS4682-, ZZ32_1-, S6168-, S6189-, S6191-, S7211-, Y7346-, Y7347-,Z16266-,Z16539-, Z16540-, Z16833-, Z16834-, Z16835-, Z16836-, Z16837-, Z16838-, Z16839-, Z16840-, Z16841-, Z16842-, Z16843-, FGC3929-, FGC3933-, FGC5786-, FGC5795-, FGC8018-, FGC8019-, L1403-, L1446-, L1447-, L626-, L627-, L658-, PF1052-, PH172-, S3793-, FGC5752-, FGC5760-, FGC5761-, FGC5762-, FGC5763-, FGC5764-, FGC5765-, FGC5766-, FGC5772-, FGC5774-, FGC5775-, FGC5776-, FGC5777-, FGC5778-, FGC5779-, FGC5780-, FGC5782-, FGC5783-, FGC5784-, FGC15498-, FGC18211-, FGC23104-, FGC3899-, FGC3902-, M222-, U106-, L257-, CTS11631-, CTS3655-, CTS3928-, CTS50-, CTS5524-, CTS5931-, BY3363-, BY3364-, BY3365-, BY3366-, BY3367-, BY3368-, BY3369-, BY3370-, BY3371-, BY3372-,BY3373-, BY3374-, BY3375-, BY3376-, BY3377-, BY3378-, BY3379-, BY3380-, BY3381-, BY3382-, BY3383-, BY3384-, BY3454-, BY3455-, BY3456-, BY3457-, BY3458-, A1344-, A385-, A418-, A419-, A420-, A421-, A422-, A423-, A424-, A425-, A426-, A459-, A5409-, A5410-, A682-, A740-, A7493-, A775-, A776-, A818-, A819-, BY2668-, BY2690-, BY2695-, BY2724-, BY2750-, BY2751-, BY2752-, BY2753-, BY2754-, BY2755-, BY2757-, BY2759-, BY2875-, BY3362*, BY3517*, F15*, F4092*, FGC5785*, FGC5771*, L1088*, FGC5687*, Z246*, Z29564* |
COMBS 293554 is positive for SNPs in boldface blue and boldface black.
He is negative for FGC3899.
THORPE #863883 is positive for DF5 and S191. |