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Deed: Peter STRAUB to George LAUMAN, Cumberland Co., PA, 1767 |
Source: Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book E,
p. 343 (photocopy courtesy of Shirley Straub Morton; transcription by DGM;
summary by DGM).
As is common with photocopies, some of the punctuation may have dropped out, so the transcription of the punctuation may not be entirely accurate. Recorded as a single paragraph, but I have broken it into several paragraphs to improve readability. Boldface added. |
This Indenture made the thirty first day of October in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty seven. Between Peter Straub of the county of Cumborland in the province of pennsylvania Yeoman of the one part, And George Lauman of the county of Lancaster in the said province Yeoman of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Peter Stroup for & in Consideration of the sum of twenty three pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania to him the said Petor Straub in hand paid by the said George Lauman at & before the Execution hereof the receipt & payment whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted bargained and released & Confirmed & by these presents he the said Peter Stroub Doth Grant bargain sell release & Confirm unto the said George Lawman his heirs & Aƒsigns, all that Certain tract or parcel of land Situate lying & being in the County of Cumberland aforesaid near middle Creek adjoining to lands of Stophel Meyer, Jacob Wetman and Lands of the said Peter Straub, Containing one hundred acres or whatever Quantity of land is Contained with the Survey therof which said Tract of land by warrant from the Honorable the proprietors of the said Province bearing Date the 6th day of September 1755 was Granted to a Certain Jacob Yoder who by Aƒsignment endorsed upon the same warrant set over & Aƒsigned the same Tract of land unto the said Peter Straub in Fee Together with all & Singular the houses, Buildings, Improvements, woods, waters, rights, Liberties priviledges Inofils? Commodities advantages members & Appurtenances whatsoever, to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversions and remainders thereof & all the estate right Title property Interest Claim and Demand whatsoever both at law & in Equity of him the said Peter Stroup of in & to the same & every part and parcel thereof, To have & to hold the said tract of land Hereditaments & premises hereby Granted & released with the Appurtenances unto the said George Lawman his heirs and Aƒsigns, To the only proper use Benefit and Behoof of the said George Lawman his heirs & Aƒsigns forever. Under & Subject to the payment of the remainder of the principal purchase money Interest & Quit rent now Due & hereafter to become due and payable thereon to the Chief Lord or lords of the fee thereof and the said Peter Straub for himself & his heirs doth Covenant promise & Grant to & with the said George Lawman his heirs & Aƒsigns by these presents That he the said Peter Straub & his heirs the Hereby granted premises with the Appurtenances unto the said George Lawman his heirs & Aƒsigns, against him the said Peter Stroup & his heirs & against all & every other person & persons whosoever (except the proprietors aforesaid) Shall & will warrant and forever, Defend by these presents; In Witneƒs whereof the said parties to these presents have hereto Interchangeably set their hands and Seals. Dated the day & year aforesaid;
Benjm Weiser (S) Examd
Recorded the 23d of February Domini 1792 J. Simpson Rd
Family Group Sheet of Peter STRAUB |
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"The Cloud" is double-speak for "dumb terminal
on a main frame." Been there; done that. Never again.
You are giving away not only your privacy, but control of your data, your apps, and your computer to a corporation. Is that really where you want to go? The IT guys on the big iron hated the Personal Computer because it gave users freedom and power; now they've conned you into being back under their control. |
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