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KNOBLOCH / KNOBLOCK in The Atlanta Constitution, 1888-1923. |
Source: The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, GA (online
at Ancestry.com).
My interest here is the family of W.C. KNOBLOCH of Macon, GA. Significant items highlighted in color. Items regarding other KNOBLOCH / KNOBLOCK families are greyed. There were several items in the entertainment pages in the 1920s about Hollywood dramatist Edward KNOBLOCK, which I did not abstract. |
Sunday, 23 Sep 1883
Phoenix-like this handsome hotel has risen from a mass of debris and ashes, to be not only the finest and best kept one in Macon, but in the south... [goes on at length extolling the virtues of the hotel, including ] The cuisine of the house is most excellent. The pastry department is in charge of Wm. Knoblock, late of the Metropolitan hotel, New York city, and is said to be one of the best in the business... |
Tuesday, 22 Nov 1887
Thursday, 20 Sep 1888
MACON, Ga., September 19.--[Special.]... Secretary Nisbet received a large pile of mail today at the rooms of the Agricultural Society at the Hotel Laneir (sic). The state fair is already beginning to feel the good results of the postponement of the Augusta exposition. Exhibitors are asking for premium lists and making inquiries about space, etc. The indications are that the postponement of the Augusta exposition will benefit the fair considerably. Various applications were made for space. The dining hall and three lunch privileges were rented today to Messrs. Wells and Knoblock during fair week at the park. They assure the management they will operate the dining hall in first-class style... |
Sunday, 18 Nov 1888
There arrived in Macon at a late hour last night a passenger via the East Tennessee train from Atlanta who registered at the Hotel Lanier as Charles Dayton, agent Sells Bros. circus. He stated that the show would give six performances at the Central City park from December 3d to 6th if proper arrangements could be made with the city and that a certain per cent of the proceeds would be devoted to charitable purposes in Macon. He contracted with George S. Jones for provender, etc.; Knoblock for breads; Wood, the butcher, for meats, and perhaps others. He asked each of thse parties if the contract was not worth a good deal to them and if they would not be willing to pay him a little something for giving them the contract. Jones willingly gave him $10, Wood gave $10, and Knoblock gave a check for $15. These parties in the afternoon begun to get suspicious and to make inquiries. They went to Bun Brown, the circus bill poster, and asked what he thought of Dayton. Brown said Dayton had been to see him to contract for bill posting and showed him a contract written with type writer, and he immediately put him down as a fraud. Knoblock had Dayton arrested by a policeman when he gave Knoblock back his check and also returned Jones his $10. Dayton then left the Hotel Lanier about 5 o'clock without paying his board and is supposed to have left the city on one of the evening trains. Dayton is thought to be George Vanderbilt, who has recently figured so notoriously in Atlanta. Dayton was very well dressed and had all the appearance of being a gentleman. Dayton was certainly no agent for Sells Bros. He may have got other victims in Macon besides those mentioned above. Dayton was arrested tonight in a colored restaurant, eating supper with a negro woman. He had purchased a ticket to Cochran. He was locked in jail on a warrant charging him as a common cheat and swindler. Dayton had considerable money on his person. |
An item dated 21 Dec 1888 can't be called up. |
Friday, 28 Jun 1889
MACON, Ga., June 27 [Special.]... The exercises for the terms of 1888-'89 ended today with the commencement ceremonies... In the second primary class the first premium to Misses Sadie Schatzman and Laura Knobloch...
This afternoon Mrs. Knoblock and another lady were in a buggy on Cherry street in front of a store. An express wagon came up and, in turning one of the horses, backed up against a wheel of the buggy. The express horse commenced to kick and got his foot and leg entangled in the spokes of the wheel and, in trying to get his leg out, tore the wheel to pieces and overturned the buggy, throwing the occupants to the ground, but fortunately neither were seriously hurt. The leg of the horse was badly skinned. |
Friday, 26 Sep 1890
[There's going to be a carnival and big parade (estimated two miles long), with numerous merchants, including "W. Knoblock," agreeing to submit floats for the parade.] |
Tuesday, 27 Sep 1891
The Teutonia Club of Macon will celebrate its fifth anniversay on Thursday night next. The occasion will be the most brilliant of the many brilliant affairs under the auspices of this popular organization. The Teutonia Club orchestra, composed of Messrs. Phil Dohn, Louis Merkel, A. Dohn, H. Moll, C. Dohn and professor J.G. Welsy will render an admirable selection of music. The banquet to be given on this occasion will far surpass anything of the kind ever given before by the Teutonians, and the banquet will be followed by a concert and ball. Messrs. Theo Cosserer, S. Helfrich and Louis Deutcher are the arrangement committee, and they are assisted by Messrs. John Wald, president; W.C. Knobloch, vice president; and Adolph Dohn, secretary of the club. |
Sunday, 9 Oct 1892
Tuesday, 26 Jun 1894
[Banquet to honor Edward Douglas White, assoc. justice fo the U.S. supreme court and ex-U.S. senator from Louisiana. Attended by, among others, ex-Louisiana governor, Clay Knobloch.] |
Monday, 21 Jan 1895
Wednesday, 24 Apr 1895
The National Humane Society Will have a Splendid Exhibit... They Will Illustrate How Animals Are Treated Cruelly in America and How the Brutal Practice Should Cease. |
Thursday, 9 May 1895
Mr. Samuel Gompers Speaks in Atlanta Tomorrow Evening. The workingmen of Atlanta are enthusiasic over the approaching visit of Mr. Samuel Gompers, the great union orator, and are looking forward with keen pleasure to his address in Atlanta tomorrow evening... The following committees have been appointed to look after the details of Mr. Gompers's visit... Committee on Arrangements H.P. Blount, chairman; J.E. Eaves, F.R. Rogers, William Strouse, Charles Hirsch, A.L. Tottingham, Henry Knobloch... |
Friday, 10 May 1895
And After an Hour or Two Out at East Lake, Will Return to the City and Address the Laboring Men. Today and tomorrow will be gala days with the labor organizations of Atlanta. Mr. Samuel Gompers, expresident of the American Federation of Labor and lecturer at large as well as organizer of trades unions, will reach the city today at noon and will be with the organized labor men of Atlanta for two days... [others] and Henry Knobloch, who constitute the committee of arrangements, will escort Mr. Gompers... |
Tuesday, 20 Aug 1895
Tuesday, 22 Oct 1895
Macon, Ga., October 21.--(Special.)--The municipal campaign in Macon will open in earnest very soon... Six aldermen are to be elected... possible candidates for alderman are... W.C. Knobloch... |
Thursday, 13 May 1897
Monday, 24 May 1897
Macon, Ga., Mary 23.(Special.)... [others and] Past Grand W.C. Knobloch, representing Franklin Lodge No. 2... will leave in the morning for Athens to attend the annual meeting... |
Friday, 22 Oct 1897
Both the Death Rate and Number of Cases Show Decrease... Cold Weather Is Now Confidently Expected and the Physicians Are Hopeful. New Orleans, October 21.The fever situation improved to some extent here today... This is the record today... NEW CASES... Anthony Knoblock, 7716 McCarthy... The board of health reports: "Cases of yellow fever today, 43; deaths today, 2; total cases of yellow fever to date, 1,024. Total deaths from yellow fever to date, 112; total cases abosolutely recovered, 519; total cases under treatment, 393." |
Tuesday, 26 Oct 1897
More New Cases Reported Than on Any Previous Day. DEATH RATE GROWS LARGE Fifty-Seven More Patients Were Reported Yesterday. ELEVEN VICTIMS WERE ADDED TO THE LIST Quarantine Rules Are Openly Defied by the People and the Disease Spreads. DEATHS... Mrs. Joseph Knoblock. 7716 Macarty... |
Sunday, 12 Dec 1897
[Long list of winners in a contest sponsored by Women's World Publications in New York.] ...A.F. Knoblock, Thibadeau, La... |
Sunday, 3 Apr 1898
Wednesday, 21 Sep 1898
The committee to take charge of the Venetian Revel will consist of Messrs. Nat Winehip, chairman; Burr Brown, Robert Hodges, John W. Byrne, J.R. Kennedy, W.C. Knobloch, Ben J. Smith, Charles J. Wilburn... |
Saturday, 29 Oct 1898
Pallbearers were selected from both the Odd Fellows and Masons, of which he ws a member. Following were the pallbearers: From the Masons, A.H. Rice, C.A. Jobson, G.W. Morgan and M.H. Taylor: from the Odd Fellows, George F. Wing, W.C. Knobloch and T.A. Cheatham. The interment was at Rose Hill cemetery. The Masons and Odd Fellows conducted the services at the grave. |
Tuesday, 5 Dec 1899
Thursday, 8 Feb 1900
(Pe-ru-na never fails to cure it.)... |
Tuesday, 22 May 1900
George W. Gantt, grand chief patriarch; T.A. Cheatham, grand treasurer; W.C. Knobloch, Franklin lodge No. 2; W.C. Bennett, Franklin lodge No. 2; George R. Baker, United Brothers' No. 5; William S. Mayfield, United Brothers' No. 6; T.E. Ryals, Macon lodge No. 123; M.N. Driggers, Macon Union encampment No. 2. |
Wednesday, 17 Jul 1901
Macon, Ga., July 16. (Special.) W.C. Knobloch, a leading confectioner and baker, is so very ill it is not believed he can live until daylight. While he has not been in good health for some time, still it is not now generally known even among his closest friends that he is so near death. He was attending to business as usual on Satuday, and on that afternoon while driving one of his teams had a narrow escape from death by a passing train. Knobloch is a prominent Odd Fellow. He has several children. He is about forty-eight years old. |
Thursday, 18 Jul 1901
W.D. Knoblock, Macon, Ga. Macon, Ga., July 17. (Special.) W.C. Knobloch died today. His demise caused general regret. The deceased was forty-one years old and came to Macon from Buffalo when quite young. He was very successful in the bakery and confectionery business. He is survived by a wife and eight children. He was married twice, was a member of the Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias and Elks. Funeral tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. |
Friday, 19 Jul 1901
Friday, 19 Jul 1901
Macon, Ga., July 18.(Special.)The funeral services of M. (sic)_C. Knobloch were held this afternoon at half-past 4 o'clock from his late residence on Cotton avenue and were largely attended. Rev. F.F. Reese, of Christ Episcopal church, officiated. Lodges of Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows and Elks were in attendance, the deceased having been a member of these organizations. The following were pall-bearers: Messrs. William J. Hopper, T.W. Ansley, Jake Raw, Mike Driggers, Mike Redmond, Robert A. Nisbet. A long procession of mourners followed the body to Rose Hill cemetery, where it was interred. There were many floral offerings. |
Thursday, 15 Aug 1901
Mrs. Knobloch Wants Damages from Railroad for Death of Husband. Macon, Ga., August 14. (Special.) Mrs. W.C. Knobloch has filed suit in the city court against the Southern railway for $20,000 damages for the death of her husband. The deceased was 41 years old and, according to the petition, "had an expectancy of life beyond the average," and was earning $2,500 per annum at the time of his death. On Jul 11, 1901, the deceased was riding in his bakery wagon on Elm street when it was struck by an engine and Mr. Knobloch was hurled some distance. At first it was thought that he was not badly hurt, but in a day or two he was taken ill and died from concussion of the brain as a result of the accident, so it is alleged. |
Saturday, 12 Oct 1901
The Southern railway this morning filed its answer to the suit for damages for the loss of her husband filed by Mrs. W.C. Knobloch. In its answer the railway company charges that Knobloch's death was due to his own negligence in driving on the crossing when trains were passing and that he did not exercise due care and diligence. The road claims that its agent, the engineer, exercised due diligence and care and took every reasonable precaution to avoid the accident which, it is claimed, resulted in the death of Mr. Knobloch. The case will be hotly contested in the courts. |
There is an image dated 19 Jun 1903 that will not come up. |
There is an image dated 22 Nov 1903 that will not come up. |
Sunday, 22 Nov 1903
There is an image dated 27 Dec 1903 that will not come up. |
Sunday, 27 Dec 1903
Sunday, 14 Aug 1904
Sunday, 17 Jun 1906
A Splendid Program Was Carried Out at Commencement. Washington, Ga., June 16. (Special.) The graduating exercises at St. Joseph's academy were held... presentations of medals, laurel crowns and diplomas to the graduates came after the following excellent programme was rendered... Piano solo, "The Witches' Dance" Miss Eloise Knoblock... [Eloise was not one of the graduates.] |
Tuesday, 5 Feb 1907
Great Exodus from the Swamps of the Mississippi. RAIN SOFTENING THE LEVEES Downpour has been Steady for Hours and There Are Fears of Breaks River Is Rising Everywhere Below Memphis. |
Sunday, 16 Jun 1907
Large Throng at Exercises of St. Joseph's Academy. Solo, "Kammenoi-Estrow" Miss Eloise Knoblock. |
Friday, 21 Jun 1907
Bishop Kelly, of Savannah, Addressed the Graduating Class. Washington, Ga., June 20. (Special.) With the address of Bishop
Benjamin J. Kelly, of Savannah, to the graduating class at St. Joseph's
Academy on Monday evening, the thirty-first commencement of this well-known
institution of learning was brought to a brillian conclusion... The
graduating exercises... consisted of a splendidly arranged program,
which was rendered in the following order...
Monday, 8 Jun 1908
Former Macon Young Lady Loses Life Through Overturning of Boat. Florence, S.C., Jun 7. Miss Kate Knoblock, formerly of Macon, Ga., but lately a stenographer in this place, was drowned this afternoon through the overturning of a boat on a mill pond near here. She had gone out with a party of friends for an outing and had then embarked in the boat for a row. Miss Knoblock was very popular here, and her death has cast a gloom over the town. She was about 23 years of age. |
Sunday, 30 Apr 1911
Buffalo, N.Y., April 29. Seated on a bench in a graveyard here, Frank Knobloch, 68 years old, of Newport, Ky., last night sent a bullet into his brain. He had been here for three weeks tring to sell patented devices, and failure of his negotiations is supposed to have been the cause of the suicide. |
Wednesday, 24 May 1911
Sunday, 16 Jun 1912
Millions of Gallons of Water Pour through Hymelia Break. New Orleas, La., June 15. The disastrous Hymelia crevasse, thirty mles above New Orleans... cannot be closed for weeks... Assistant United States Engineer W.E. Knoblock made an inspection of the crevasse yesterday... Mr. Knoblock said that if the crevasse is to be mended at all, a levee will have to be built back in the fields considerable distance from the river. He is doubtful if this would be attempted. He reported today... |
Family Group Sheet of W.C. KNOBLOCH & Eloise CLAY |
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