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Pension Application of Capt. John WHEELER (c1756-1838) |
Source: Livingston Co., KY. Court Order Book, 1830-1836.
Transcribed by Diana Gale Matthiesen from photocopies of original pages (right edge cut off on photocopy). Comments [in brackets] by transcriber. |
John Wheeler, Pension Decla[ration] Exam State of Kentucky Livingston County Js. On this 9th day of August 1832 personally appeared in [cut off] Court before Christopher Haynes, Jos Watts, William Stewart,and Jas C[cut off] Esqs. the County Court of Said County and State now sitting John Wheeler a resident of said County and State aged about Seventy Six years, [unreadable] [cut off] being first duly Sworn according to law doth on his oath state the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7 1832 that he was born in Prince Edward County State of Virginia, the precise time he does not know, as the Book Containing |
the record of the ages of himself and his
father's family was lost in the Revolution. And from the best recollection
he has, from information given him by his parents, he is now about Seventy
Six years of age, that at about the age of sixteen on Holstein [Holston]
river in the State of North Carolina [now Tennessee] near the Virginia
line and near the Long Island in the Holstein
he volunteered in a Company commanded by Capt. Bohannon, who was
guarding the frontiers, and in a few days we had a Battle with the Cherokee
Indians near the said Islands who were commanded by a Chief called the
Canoe [Dragging Canoe], and in this Battle the Indians were
defeated killing and wounding of them according to their own account afterwards
about 100 and [?] their [cut off] their Chief. After the Battle we
were Stationed to guard the frontier and remained so until Col Christie
came from Virginia [cut off] an army, and we joined him at the said Islands
at a fort which we had built, and then marched into the Indian Country,
and destroyed their Towns, and provisions all through their Country, but
no engagement of any note, that after over running the Indian Country,
and during all that [?] be done, we marched back to the fort, and the men
were there discharged, that on the same day he was discharged he again
Volunteered under Capt. Joseph Martin from Virginia (known as Col
Martin) and marched to a place called the Rye Coves [Lee Co., VA], an [?]
[?] for the purpose of guarding the frontiers until a contemplated treaty
with Christie in June following, but this treaty never did any good,
as part of the Indians broke off and would not agree to it, that last Service
commenced in the fall or first of the winter, and lasted till June when
the treaty was to be [?] and during the time [cut off] principally stationed
at the Rye Cove [Lee Co., VA] as above, that after the [cut off] we had
a short respite, but the party of Indians (called Dragg[cut off]
Cols Clark and Sevier and we marched into the Highwassee Towns and killed and took prisoners — this ended the Campaign which lasted about a month being on horse back we marched with speed, that sometime after this expedition he again volunteered under Capt Cavit and was attached to the Regiment of Cols. Clark and Severe, the most of which had been drafted by orders from Government as he supposed but some were vounteers as he himself was, and marched to South Carolina and joined Genl Marion [between the lines is written: [?] down [?] Santee River near swamps and served under Marion] about three months and about which time, Cornwallis was taken - that while he was under Marion a detachment of Marion's army called a scouting party (of which he was one) attacked and took prisoner ninety odd of the Brittish and one tory (who was killed by [?] [?] horse), this was the only encounter that happened in this expedition of any note, that the troops under Clark and Sevier as before [?] were horse troops and also when we went against the Highwasee towns this was the last of his Service, as the surrender of Cornwallis gave peace to the Country, that he is confident that he served from the time he first entered the service against the Indians to the time of his discharge from this last expedition as much as three years as he was engaged almost the whole war in Service, that he does not know a [?] man living, who served with him except perhaps Josiah Ramsey who moved to Missouri many years ago but he may be dead as he was extremely old when he moved there, that he has lived in this Country upwards of thirty years, and is now very old and frail— He hereby relinquishees every claim whatever to a pension or anuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State (or else where). Sworn to and Subscribed in open Court the
day [?] year aforesaid
Mr. John Travis a Clergyman residing
in the County of Livingston and State of Kentucky and Robert Phillips
residing in the same County and State, do hereby Certify that we are well
acquainted with John Wheeler who has Subscribed and sworn to the
above declaration that we believe him to be about 76 years of age that
he is reputed and believed in the neighbourhood where he resided to have
been a Soldeir of the revolution, and that we concur in that opinion. Sworn
to and Subscribed in open Court the day and year [unreadable]
And the said Court do hereby declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter and after [?] the interogatories presented by the War Department that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier, and Served as he states, and the Court further certfing that it appears to them that Robt Phillips John Travis who has signed the foregoing certificate is a Clergyman resident of the County of Livington State of Kentucky, and that Robt Phillips who has also signed the |
same is a resident in the County of Livingston aforesaid and is a credible person and that their statements is entitled to credit. |
Family Group Sheet of Capt. John WHEELER & Susannah CLARK |
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