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Ms. __?__ [Catherine FOX?]
Martha __?__
NOTE:  It appears possible that our subject is the Henry STROPE who earlier married Catherine FOX and shows up in the 1790, 1800, and 1810 censuses of Luzerne [now Bradford] Co., PA, but disappears from Pennsylvania after 1810.  It is said that the husband of Catherine FOX died in Ohio, despite the fact that Catharine (FOX) STROPE lived on in Bradford Co., PA, until she died in 1843.  It appears that Henry divorced Catharine in Pennsylvania and remarried to Martha before leaving Pennsylvania for Ohio.  If you have any evidence to support or refute this hypothesis, please share.
Husband:  Henry STROPE / STROUP
Birth:  1765/6, PA
Death:  Feb 1850, Ross Co., OH
Occupation:  farmer
Migration:  ca. 1812, Pennsylvania to Ross Co., OH
Father possiblySebastian STROPE
Mother possiblyLydia VAN VALKENBURG
Wife-1:  Ms. __?__ [Catherine FOX?]

The age difference between Henry and Martha make it a near certainty that he had an earlier wife.

Wife-2:  Martha __?__
Birth:  1784/5, PA
Occupation:  homemaker

Because we don't know the date for Henry's marriage to Martha, there's considerable uncertainty as to which wife birthed which children.

Children probably with Wife-1:
.  (Son A) STROPE, b. 1794-1801
William STROPE, b. 1 May 1805, PA 

Martha is old enough to be William's mother, but it's a stretch for her to be the elder boy's mother, but the fact that these are among the children Henry brought with him to Ohio suggests they may, indeed, both be Martha's.  If Henry's first wife was Catherine FOX, then see her family group sheet for additional children by her. 

Children probably with Martha:
Salinda STROPE, b. 1810/1, PA 
George Washington STROPE, b. 1813/4, PA 
.  (Son B) STROPE, b. 1810-20
Children with Martha — born in OH:
Perry STROPE, b. 1816/7 or 26 Apr 1818 
Ward STROPE, b. 1821/2 
Keywords for search engines:  genealogy; USA, US, United States, Ohio, Pennsylvania

Timeline (n.b., Ross and Fayette Cos. are adjacent)
Year Location Event
1765/6 PA birth of Henry STROPE
    birth of Wife-1
1784/5 PA birth of Wife-2: Martha __?__
c1789   marriage of Henry STROPE & Wife-1
1790 Census    
1794-1801   birth of Son A
1800 Census    
1805 PA birth of son, William
1810 Census    
1813/4 PA birth of son, George Washington
1813-16 Pennsylvania to Ohio family moves
1816/7/8 OH birth of son, Perry
1820 Census OH: Clark Co.: Springfield Twp. Henry STROPE, head-of-household
1821/2 OH birth of son, Ward
1824 OH: Fayette Co. marriage of son, William, to Nancy BLUE
1830 Census OH: Ross Co.: Deerfield Twp. Henry STROPE, head-of-household
1834 OH: Ross Co. marriage of son, Geo. Wash., to Sarah HOLLAND
1840 Census OH: Ross Co.: Deerfield Twp. Henry STROPE, head-of-household
1846 OH: Fayette Co. marriage of son, Ward, to Ethla ORAHOOD
1850 OH: Ross Co. death of Henry STROPE
1850 Census OH: Ross Co.: Concord Twp. Martha STROPE, widow


1.  Marriage Record:

2.  Census Index:  Colonial America, 1607-1789 (Broderbund CD-310):  not found.

3.  Census Index:  U.S. Selected Counties, 1790 (Broderbund CD-311):  the only Henry STROPE indexed in the census is the one in Luzerne [now Bradford] Co., PA, who married Catherine FOX.

2.  Census Index:  U.S. Selected Counties, 1800 (Broderbund CD-312):  the only Henry STROPE indexed in the census (mis-indexed as Henry STRIPE) is the one in Luzerne [now Bradford] Co., PA, who married Catherine FOX.

3.  1820 Census Index and Digital Images (online at Ancestry.com; Image #1 of 2; extracted by Diana Gale Matthiesen):¤•
1820 OH Clark Co. Springfield Twp. p. 11 Ln. 25 Henry Strope 410101-01010-0-100
These data indicate:
No. & Sex  Age Class Therefore Born Individuals Inferred
4 males 9 or under 1810-1820 = Son C
= Perry (b. 1816/7)
= Washington (b. 1813/4)
= Son B
1 male 10-15 1804-1810 = William (b. 1805)
1 male 19-25* 1794-1801 = Son A
1 male 45 or over in or bef. 1775 = Henry (b. 1765/6)
1 female 10-15 1804-1810 = Daughter A
1 female 26-44 1775-1794 = Martha (b. 1784/5)
1 person engaged in agriculture
*In the 1820 Census, the third column is age class 16-18 and the fourth column is age class 16-25; therefore, any individual in column three is duplicated in column four.  By subtracting the number in column three from the number in column four, you can create an age class "19-25."

4.  1830 Census Index/Images (online at Ancestry.com; Image #7 of 18; extracted by Diana Gale Matthiesen):¤•
1830 OH Ross Co. Deerfield Twp. p. 230 Ln. 10 Henry Strope 012 200 010 - 010 100 100
These data indicate:
No. & Sex  Age Class Therefore Born Individuals Inferred
1 male 5-9 1820-1825 = Ward (b. 1821/2)
2 males 10-14 1815-1820 = Son E
= Perry (b. 1816/7)
2 males 15-19 1810-1815 = Washington (b. 1813/4)
= Son C
1 male 50-59 1770-1780 = Henry (b. 1765/6)
1 female 5-9 1820-1825 = Lucinda? (b. 1821/2)
1 female 15-19 1810-1815 = Daughter A?
1 female 40-49 1780-1790 = Martha (b. 1784/5) 

5.  1840 Census Index/Images (online at Ancestry.com, Image #7-8 of 16; extracted by Diana Gale Matthiesen):¤•
1840 OH Ross Co. Deerfield Twp. pp. 414A-414B Ln. 22 Henry Strope 000 100 000 100 - 000 100 010 0100000
These data indicate:
No. & Sex Age Class Therefore Born Individuals Inferred
1 male 15-19 1820-1825 = Ward (b. 1821/2) 
1 male 70-79 1760-1770 = Henry (b. 1765/6)
1 female 15-19 1820-1825 = Lucinda? (b. 1821/2)
1 female 50-59 1780-1790 = Martha (b. 1784/5)
1 person employed in agriculture
Listed next to son, Perry STROPE

6a.  1850 Census Index/Images (online at Ancestry.com; Image #33-34 of 64):  Concord Twp., Ross Co., OH, pp. 169A-169B, 2474/2474, enumerated 23/24 Oct 1850, official enumeration date 1 Jun 1850 (extracted by Diana Gale Matthiesen):¤•
Isaac Vincent 33 M   Farmer 3700 Ohio
Lucinda   " 28 F       "
Ann E     "  6 F       "
[next page]
Jeptha A Vincent  1 M       Ohio
Charlotte T Christy 11 F       "
William Dougherty 12 M       "
Martha Stroup 65 F       Pa
Listed next to Martha's son, Perry STROPE

6b.  1850 Census Mortality Schedules (online at Ancestry.com):
Name State County Age Birth Year Month Cause
Stroup, Henry Ohio Ross 84 PA 1850 Feb Old Age
If our subject was the Henry STROPE who first married Catherine FOX, then he was born in New York, not Pennsylvania, but he grew up in Pennsylvania, so may have believed he was born there, as is often the case (i.e., children often believe the place where they grew up is where they were born, even though they may actually have been born elsewhere).  And note that the informant on this record was not Henry, himself, who was deceased, so the informant may easily have been mistaken.

7.  R.S. Dill.  1881.  History of Fayette County, together with Historic Notes on the Northwest and the State of Ohio.  Odell & Mayer, Publ., Dayton, OH (online at Genealogy.com; Borderbund CD-450):
p. 252

July 7, 1812, witnessed the departure of Henry Strope, a native of Pennsylvania, who, accompanied by his family, consisting of his wife and nine children, crossed the Alleghanies in the "old-fashioned wagon," and arrived at Chillicothe [Ross Co., OH] on the 15th of September, remaining there until 1814, at which time they removed to this county, settling on a farm in the present limits of Marion Township, now owned by Burnett Mooney, consisting of twelve hundred acres, which was rented of Adam Turner.  During the war of 1812 he drove cattle to Fort Meigs [Perrysburg, Wood Co., OH] for the use of the American army.  He lived a quiet life, raised a large family, but accumulated little property, and died in 1848.  His son, 'Squire [William] Strope, has lived on the farm he now owns sixty-five years, was the first justice of the peace of Marion Township, and still continues in that office.

If our subject was truly born in Pennsylvania, then he was not the Henry STROPE who first married Catharine FOX.  But then, Henry was obviously not the informant for this item because he was long dead at the time it was published — and because it contains some significant errors.  The informant appears to have been Henry's son, William STROPE (1805-1881), whom the 1830-1880 censuses show living in Fayette Co., OH.  William was born in Pennsylvania, and he was just old enough to have remembered the wagon trip from Pennsylvania to Ohio.  However, either William or the author erred in saying Henry settled in Fayette County.  The censuses show Henry living in Clark County in 1820 and back in Ross County in 1830 and 1840, where he died in 1850 (not 1848).

8.  WorldConnect / Ancestry World Trees (online at RootsWeb.com/Ancestry.com).

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