![]() Table of Contents |
Diana, Goddess
of the Hunt — for Ancestors!
![]() Every-Name Index |
Index to the 1880 Census of Mt. Carroll City, Carroll Co., IL (E.D. 16) |
This is a "raw" index extracted from the digitized images online at
Ancestry.com. I have NOT PROOF-READ this index, either against the
original or even for typos. When I have time, I'll proof-read and
alphabetize it. In the meantime, it is at least better than nothing,
especially as I extracted not just the name of the head-of-household, but
his/her age and birthplace (with wife's name, age, and birthplace — or
relationship to head-of-household — in parentheses).
At the start, I had trouble distinguishing some of this enumerator's capital letters, particularly L from S. I finally figured out the distinction, but I'm certain I made some mistakes, especially early on. |
UPDATE: now that the entire 1880 census is online (at Ancestry.com and Genealogy.com) with a full extraction and every-name index (by the LDS at FamilySearch.org), this page has become highly superfluous, but I'll leave it online just in case I may have correctly extracted a name that is incorrect in the LDS index. |
p. 518A
01/01 Smith Henry 31 IL (M. Jennie 26 IA) 02/02 Smith Mary E 35 OH (no husband) 02/03 Fargusson James D 48 IL (Mary A 38 England) _____ Fargusson Abigail B 68 KY (mother) 03/04 Aikens Eli 37 PA (Melinda 46 PA) 04/05 Eiser Joshua 64 PA (Elizabeth 61 PA) 05/06 Moore George W 57 NY (Mary A 47 MD) 06/07 Arb George 40 PA (Mary E 37 PA) 07/08 Pulley George A 29 OH (Anna C PA) 08/09 Arb John 69 Germany (Patience 75 MD) 09/10 Wiler Adam 36 IL (Nancy E 35 Canada) 10/11 Landeford/Sandeford Thoms 46 England (Margaret 43 Wales) |
p. 518B
11/12 Lager/Sager John 54 MD (Catharine 47 MD) 12/13 Heagy Lydia 68 PA (no husband) _____ Sisler Mary L 23 IL (granddaughter) 13/14 Warfield William 54 PA (Catharine 43 PA) 15/16 Dietrick Adam 36 IL (Harriet 26 IL) 16/17 Smith Samuel 33 IL (Eliza Jane PA) _____ Humbert Elmer J 7 IL (nephew) 17/18 Force Emanuel 40 PA (Mary E 32 PA) 18/19 Stanton G.A. 30 NY (Ida M 21 IL) 19/20 Sisler Matilda 43 PA (no husband) 20/21 Sutton Charles P 47 NY (Cordelia 40 MD) |
p. 519A
21/22 Rupright Benjamin 36 PA (Eveline 33 PA) _____ Rupright George 35 PA (brother) 22/23 Marshall John 48 NY (Lucy 44 NY) 23/24 Rinedotter Elijah 51 PA (no wife) 24/25 Smith Aaron 36 MD (Rebecca 38 VA) 25/26 Ferrenberg Andrew 35 PA (Louisa 39 PA) _____ McLaughlin Mary 66 PA (mother-in-law) 26/27 Abbott John W 61 PA (Ella 58 PA) _____ Arb Katie 27 IL (granddaughter) _____ Divelbess Mary 56 PA (sister-in-law) 27/28 Preterbaugh/Puterbaugh George 31 IL (Isabel 27 IL) 28/29 Pulley D.M. 49 OH (no husband) 29/30 Rinedoller Mark 48 PA (Ann 35 PA) _____ Lipton William 20 IL (apprentice) 30/31 Force John W 37 PA (Mary 33 PA) [cont'd next page] |
p. 519B
30/31 Clemmer Catharine 70 PA (mother-in-law) 31/32 Ely Frank R 39 PA (Annie E 36 PA) 32/33 Davis Christopher 40 PA (Mary 30 IL) 33/34 Ackerman John 56 Germany (Anna C 53 PA) 34/35 Stober Charles 38 Baden-Germany (Catharine 24 OH) _____ Dunz Emma 23 OH (sister-in-law) 35/36 Dumbleton Althea 39 NY (no husband) _____ Johnston Alice 23 IL (daughter) 36/37 Watters Benjamin F 27 PA (Ann C 30 PA) _____ Yeakle Della May 14 IL (step daughter) 37/38 Watson Frank 32 IL (Caroline 31 IL) _____ Clevidence John 46 PA (boarder) 38/39 Ludwig Samuel 38 MD (Julia 55 MD) |
p. 520A
39/40 Davis Thomas 72 PA (Elizabeth 61 PA) 40/41 Allison J.F. 41 Canada (H.A. 32 OH) _____ Allison Frances 9 IL (daughter) _____ Allison Waite 7 IL (son) _____ Herrington Ella 18 IL (servant) 41/42 Edwards Harry 23 IL (Minnie 21 IL) 42/43 Edwards Emins 26 IL (Abby H 22 IL) 43/44 Beaver Charles 24 IL (Ada 25 PA) 44/45 Hollinger Augustus 28 IL (Louisa 25 IL) 45/46 Jerone? John 48 PA (Mary L 45 IN) _____ Chapman Sarah A 68 NJ (mother-in-law) _____ Haines Mary 18 PA (servant) 46/47 Bennett Susanna 51 IL (alone) 47/48 Horn Oscar 27 Germany (Laura 22 IL) 48/49 Bitner Harry/Henry 51 PA (Emma E 50 PA) _____ McLaughlin Bell 16 PA (servant) _____ Fritz John 30 IL (laborer) 49/50 Hallett James 57 MO (Amanda M 57 TN) _____ Pinkham Abbie 21 MA (niece) _____ Pinkham Effie L 10 MA (niece) 50/51 Grim Otis 50 KY (Martha 42 PA) |
p. 520B
51/52 Edwards Joseph/James E 50 OH (Margaret 39 MD) 52/53 McLaughlin William 53 PA (Margaret 46 PA) 53/54 Strickler Jacob B 46 PA (Ann Marie 43 MD) 54/55 Hallett Russell 30 IL (Alla C 23 IL) _____ Dangel Mary 18 IL (servant) 55/56 Shore S. Jimison/Jameson 31 PA (Eliza E 24 IL) 56/57 Daily Eliza 56 Ireland (alone) 57/58 White Mary 60 PA (no husband) 58/59 Sheldon Isaac P 72 NY (Delilah 62 NY) _____ Hitchcock N.A. 11 IL (chore girl) 59/60 Moore George R 45 PA (Sallie B 40 PA) 60/61 Downs James 48 PA (Leah 44 PA) 61/62 Berkeley Thomas E 53 VT (Myra 52 NY) 62/63 McRay Joseph 55 PA (Catharine 46 PA) |
p. 521A
63/64 Phillips Augustus 52 Baden (Susan 32 PA) 64/65 Medlar Charles 65 Saxony (no wife) _____ Dunz Maggie 65 Germany (housekeeper) _____ Dunz Fred 20 OH (clerk) 65/66 Shoemaker Amos 70 OH (Charlotte 59 IN) 66/67 Vandripe Mary 64 NJ (no husbnad) _____ Vandripe Isaac 34 NJ (son) 67/68 Warfield John 38 PA (Susan 28 IL) 68/69 Mumford George 54 MD (Hannah 48 MD) _____ Witmer William 22 PA (son) _____ Witmer George 20 PA (son) 69/70 Cole J. Sherman 64 Quebec (Eveline 54 Quebec) _____ Cole Sallie 89 VT (mother) 70/71 Geltmacher Angus 49 H Darmstadt (Minnie 46 Bavaria) 71/72 Phillips Charles 47 Baden (Hattie 32 Saxony) [cont'd next page] |
p. 521B
71/72 Seifert Henry 70 Saxe Weimer (father-in-law) _____ Seifert Mary 65 Prussia (mother-in-law) 72/73 Fisher John P 38 PA (Charlotte 36 PA) 73/74 Dumbaugh Jos/Jas [Joseph/James] 61 PA (alone) 74/76 Albright John S/L 37 IL (Jane R 33 MO) 75/76 Strong James C 45 NY (Antoinette 40 NY) 76/77 Wood Lyman 39 PA (no wife) _____ Wood Mary 70 NY (mother) 77/78 Patterson William 56 PA (Elizabeth 49 PA) 78/79 Shilling L H 57 MD (Deborah A 52 MD) 79/80 Adams Mary 54 Ireland (no husband) 80/81 Blake H C 48 VT (Anna M 51 VT) 81/82 Holmes L/S W 57 VT (Louisa A Canada) |
p. 522A
82/83 Brotherton William A 50 PA (Mary 46 MD) _____ Shelldon Ella 32 IL (daughter) _____ Shelldon Henry 24 IL (son-in-law) 83/84 Werntz? James 26 PA (Agnes 25 PA) 84/85 Carley Charles 49 NY (Elvira 45 NY) 85/86 Dietrick Joseph 46 MD (Sarah A 44 MD) 86/87 Eacker Eveline 42 NY (no husband) _____ OBrian Harry 32 MD (boarder) 87/88 Routh Julia 59 Wirtemburg (no husband) 88/89 Morehead William W 43 IN (Susan D 43 PA) 89/90 Phillips Andrew 46 Baden (Mary S/L 44 Bavaria) 90/91 Grove John 36 IL (Mary C 33 IL) 91/92 Lautenschlager George 30 Hess Darmstadt (Frederika 32 Wirtemburg) |
p. 522B
092/093 Robb William 37 IL (Sarah E 34 IL) 093/094 Humbert John 57 PA (Amy E 36 IL) 094/095 Miller Odelia 57 Prussia (no husband) 095/096 Fisher George W 35 PA (Lydia 49 PA) _______ Munson Fannie L/S 19 PA (step-daughter) 096/097 Cromer Herman 35 Baden (Caroline 31 Baden) _______ Phillips George 73 Baden (father-in-law) _______ Phillips Hugo 34 Baden (brother-in-law) 097/098 Winter George 50 Prussia (Winnie 46 Saxony) 098/099 Nohe Charles 64 Baden (Margaret 57 Baden) _______ Phillips Priscilla 26 Baden (daughter) 099/100 Winelander John 57 Bavaria (Rosa 43 Austria) |
p. 523A
100/101 Doughty John 42 NY (Mary 38 IL) 101/102 Kallenbach Carl 29 Bavaria (alone) 102/103 Beltzer/Beltzen Jacob 71 MD (Laura A 65 NY) 103/104 Wootan Ellen 37 IL (no husband) _______ Wootan Lucinda 33 IL (sister) _______ Wootan Martha 28 IL (sister) 104/105 Mewne? Irwin A 32 R. Island (Annie 38 IL) 105/106 Hewitt D M 55 NY (Caroline 49 NY) _______ Jacobs Amelia 76 NY (mother-in-law) 106/107 Hicks Henry C 30 NY (Emma 25 PA) _______ Brawley? Frankie 21 WI (sister-in-law) 107/108 Smith Joseph 53 MD (Martha E 57 MD) 107/109 Smith Frisbee D 30 MD (Kate 25 MD) 108/110 Buckwalter William J 30 PA (Matilda 26 MD) 109/111 Blessing John H 50 MD (Susan 49 MD) 110/112 Eymer Elisha 60 NY (Amarilla 58 NY) 111/113 Swingley A J 30 PA (Lizzie 24 PA) 112/114 Solsbury Samuel 46 PA (Carrie 21 IL) 113/115 Eshleman David 23 PA (Bell 23 IL) [cont'd next page] |
p. 523B
113/115 Eshleman Hannah 54 PA (mother) 114/116 Rice C A 35 IL (Annie 34 England) 115/117 Boyer Susanna 71 MD (no husband) 116/118 Hunter Jame M 49 PA (Mary J 43 IL) 117/119 Cluck Brittain 41 PA (Louisa 36 MD) _______ Hursh Samuel 31 PA (boarder) _______ Sisler John W 22 IL (apprentice) 118/120 Isenhart Henry 41 MD (Margaret 47 PA) 119/121 Cluck Jacob 39 PA (Susan 32 IL) 120/122 Soule H L 52 PA (Regina 49 PA) 121/123 Buck George 48 PA (no wife) 122/124 Seiddell J B 36 IL (Martha 25 IL) 123/125 Maus Joseph 28 PA (Hattie 30 PA) |
p. 524A
124/126 Albright Jacob 61 PA (Susan 61 PA) 125/127 Green Uriah 60 PA (Almeda 59 L. Canada) _______ Hastings Emma 19 IL (servant) 126/128 Miller Benjamin 60 KY (Amarilla 54 NY) 127/129 Hallett Will P 29 IL (Ella C 25 NY) 128/130 Greeley D M 47 NY (Josie H 29 WV) 129/131 Bawden Collan 40 England (Anna 33 IL) 130/132 Tate Samuel 43 PA (M C 38 IL) 131/133 Frederic Samuel 63 MD (Mary A 37 PA) 132/134 Beardsley Caroline 58 PA (no husband) 132/135 Roderick John E 30 MD (Elizabeth 26 MD) 133/136 Reeder Martin H 47 MD (Susan 56 MD) [cont'd next page] |
p. 524B
133/136 Boyer Susan 25 MD (daughter) _______ Smith Hattie May 3 IL (grand-daughter) 134/137 Balcom Mary 45 NY (no husband) _______ McCallister Mary E 28 IL (boarder) 134/138 Nurse Sarah 68 MD (no husband) 135/139 Jacobs Thomas S/L 75 Ireland (Mary 73 VT) 136/140 Reynold Orville 47 NY (Anne E 40 Canada) 137/141 Nase Rebecca J 48 PA (no husband) _______ Lighter Lydia 56 MD (boarder) 138/142 Strickler Benjamin 71 PA (Elizabeth 67 PA) _______ Strickler Charles 54 PA (nephew) _______ Emmert Nellie 11 IL (granddaughter) _______ Strickler Jacob S/L 28 PA (boarder) _______ Phillips Burdin 35 Baden (no wife) County Jail
140/144 Christie George R 31 Canada (Susan 24 IL)
p. 225A
145/149 Hawk R M A 41 IN (Mary M 39 IL) _______ Rose Clementine 19 IL (servant) 146/150 Jessen Otho 38 Prussia (Eliza 26 Prussia) _______ Snow Rudolph 49 Prussia (father-in-law) _______ Snow Katrine 48 Prussia (mother-in-law) 147/151 Becker E.T.E. 47 PA (Sarah E. 39 PA) 148/152 Green Albert 30 IL (Margaret 26 IL) 149/153 Tomlinson John L? 63 CT (Jane H 56 NY) 150/154 Cole Philo 52 Quebec (Catharine 54 PA) _______ Cormany James 31 OH (son-in-law) _______ Cormany Emma 27 PA (daughter) _______ Deerie Mary Ann 22 Ireland (servant) 151/155 Ely Joseph H 40 PA (Emma 37 NY) 152/156 Mumma David 60 MD (Mary 63 MD) 153/157 Lichty Abram 49 OH (Mary 44 Canada) 154/158 Metcalf Samuel 66 MA (Sarah 59 NY) _______ Swartz Alta 20 (servant) |
p. 225B
Mount Carroll Seminary 155/159 Shimer F.A. W??? 53 NY (female, Principal) _______ Shimer Henry 51 PA (husband) _______ Joy Ada C. 36 ME (assoc. principal) _______ Hazzen Henry 38 NH (boarder) _______ Hazzen Isabel L. 34 NY (teacher) _______ Leonard Georgia L. 35 CT (teacher) _______ White Caroline 45 NY (teacher) _______ Kendall L.M. 35 VT (female teacher) _______ Mills Ruth C. 27 NY (female teacher) _______ Knowlton Harriet C. 30 MA (teacher) _______ Jones Isabel L. 27 NJ (teacher) _______ Chapman Alma 21 MO (teacher) _______ Clark Rhoda M. 78 NH (boarder) _______ Clark Sarah B. 46 NY (teacher) _______ Howard Sarah M 46 NY (housekeeper) _______ Howard Carrie 21 WI (pupil) _______ Beers Lucy 42 NY (matron) _______ Nyman Albert 35 MD (farmer) _______ Nyman Anne 35 IL (boarder-teacher) _______ Barlott John H 29 PA (carpenter) _______ Deacon May 12 MA (pupil) _______ Wood Etta 20 IL (niece-pupil) _______ Campbell Murdo 35 Scotland (gardener) _______ Gaines America F MO (laundress) _______ Green Ella 23 MN (pupil) _______ Green Howard 21 MN (pupil) _______ Hazleton Jennie 18 IA (pupil) _______ Wiley Sarah 25 IL (pupil) _______ Wiley Hattie 22 KY (pupil) _______ Hummer Clara 18 IL (pupil) _______ Prentice Mary A 24 MI (pupil) _______ Watson Susan 19 IL (pupil) _______ Bartholomew Hattie 19 IL (pupil) _______ Rowe Jessie 18 Il (pupil) _______ Hamlin Sarah 22 MN (pupil) _______ McKinley Josie 23 IL (pupil) _______ Wolfe Helen 19 WI (pupil) _______ Morse Eva 26 VT (pupil) _______ Brown Nellie 31 IN (pupil) _______ Pierce Selina 20 WV (pupil) _______ Cox Nina 17 WV (pupil) _______ Steadman Ira 21 IL (pupil) _______ Hungerford Edwin 21 IL (pupil) _______ Griffing Will 20 IL (student) _______ Freeley Charles 27 KY (pupil) _______ Stuart Jessie 24 Scotland (pupil) _______ Hutton Nancy 27 IL (pupil) _______ Deckert Annie 24 IA (pupil) _______ Mendenhall Rose 21 IL (pupil) [cont'd next page] |
p. 526A
155/159 Dolan J.F. 22 PA (male, laborer) 156/160 Sansen/Lansen Oscar 31 IL (Emma 26 IL) _______ Sager/Lager Sophronia 47 MD (mother-in-law) 157/161 Reed Theodore 34 PA (Alice M 27 PA) 158/162 Rinewalt John 23 IL (Nellie M 20 IL) _______ Rinewalt Margaret M 62 PA (mother) 159/163 Bailey R.G. 48 ME (Frances E. 42 KY) _______ Bartholomew M.A. 45 KY (sister-in-law) 160/164 Blough Henry 67 PA (Elizabeth 50 PA) 161/165 Furlong Moses 38 NY (Alice 28 OH) _______ Myers Emma 24 Il (boarder) 162/166 Bailey Anson 55 NY (Antoinette 43 PA) _______ Stevens Mertie A 21 IL (step-daughter) _______ Stevens Maggie E 15 IL (step-daughter) 163/167 Wilson Harvey 65 OH (Eliza 55 MO) 164/168 Mitchell Samuel 67 PA (Elizabeth 47 MD) 165/169 Shaw James 47 Ireland (Jennie 42 WV) |
p. 526B
166/170 Rea George 59 PA (Ann 57 PA) 167/171 Browning William F. 39 PA (Matilda 35 MD) _______ Rosenstock Susan 25 PA (servant) 168/172 Lichty William 32 OH (Kate 25 IL) 169/173 Lee Rocksalena 57 Quebec (no husband) _______ Carey Larua M. 27 IL (servant) 170/174 Ferrin Joseph 65 VT (Mary 41 PA) 171/175 Fisher Evan 44 PA (Margaret 44 PA) 171/176 Rock clarinda 35 PA (no husband) 172/177 McLaughlin Daniel E. 25 PA (Sarah E 24 IL) 173/178 Frost James E. 46 IL (Mary M. 30 IL) _______ Wood James 23 IL (boarder) 174/179 Slifer Thomas 63 MD (Louisa 61 MD) 175/180 Lipton? David C 53 (Mary 45 OH) 176/181 Warfield Charles 44 MD (Mary Ann 42 MD) |
p. 527A
177/182 Myers J. G. 40 Switzerland (Catharine 24 IL) 178/183 Welty Joseph 63 MD (Lucy Ann 53 OH) _______ Weaver Catharine 80 PA (mother-in-law) _______ Reedy M.L. 22 MD (male cousin) 179/184 Frazier Don. R. 34 Nova Scotia (Julia W. 31 MA) 180/185 Sprecher William 50 PA (Eliza J 43 MD) _______ Craig James H. 47 MO (Mary A. 39 PA; brother-in-law) _______ Stump Sarah 25 PA (servant) 181/186 Street Thomas 36 England (Sarah 29 England) 182/187 Retenour Adam 76 VA (Emily 76 VA) 183/188 Richards Henry 52 PA (Christiana 51 PA) 184/189 Sager Harry 28 IL (Emma 20 PA) 185/190 Heilbarger Adam 52 MD (Mary S. 41 MD) 186/191 Vincent Henry 58 England (Sarah 57 PA) |
p. 527B
187/192 Poffenberger Henry 48 MD (Christiana 44 MD) 188/193 Snyder Bartley 63 Baden (Catharine 54 Baden) 188/194 Pulley Wilbur 23 IL (Anne 19 IL) 189/195 Dombleton Jane 74 MA (no husband) _______ Trice Henrietta 22 IL (granddaughter) 190/196 Davis Clara 35 NY (no husband) _______ Eacker Salome 80 NY (grandmother) 191/197 Vanderheyden Jacob 51 NY (Helen J. 39 NY) 192/198 Leigh Hannah 36 NY (no husband) 193/199 Schwarz John 55 Bavaria (Elizabeth 42 Baden) 194/200 McClure Allen 46 PA (Olive 43 PA) 195/201 Bender Conrd 41 PA (Clarissa E. 34 IL) |
p. 528A
196/202 Rinedoller John 56 PA (Nancy 59 PA) 197/203 Hastings Martha 63 PA (no husband) _______ King Samuel 35 PA (son-in-law) _______ King Alice 24 IL (daughter) _______ Harrington Minie 16 IL (granddaughter) 195/204 Bucher George F. 34 OH (Flora 28 PA) _______ Bucher Anna 78 Switzerland (mother) 199/205 Foster Albert A. 28 IL (Susie B. 24 IL) _______ Foster George 18 IL (brother) 200/206 Beardsley O.F. 56 PA (Eliza 54 PA) _______ Irvine Ada 28 PA (daughter) _______ Carson Lizzie 23 NY (servant) _______ Irvine William 27 IL (son-in-law) _______ Beardsley Lee 23 IL (son) 201/207 Philips Joseph P. 37 PA (Clara O. 26 IL) 202/208 Gelwicks John C 40 PA (Sarah 36 PA) 203/209 Hughes William D. 48 England (Margaret M. 47 NY) 204/210 Haldeman Nathaniel 69 PA (Mary L. 41 PA) 205/211 Julston Louis 48 Canada (Lydia 41 NY) 206/212 Mitchell Jacob 33 IL (Mahala 29 OH) 207/213 Davis Phineas T. 52 Quebec (Sallie D. Quebec) |
p. 528B
208/214 Hensel William Emery 36 PA (Margaret C. 29 IL) _______ Craig Frank 22 IL (boarder) 209/215 Pierce William A.J. 47 VA (Martha A. 43 PA) _______ Frothingham Eliza 86 CT (grandmother in law) 210/216 Wagner George 49 Wirtemburg (Catharine 48 Baden) 211/217 Mullin W.P. 40 Ireland (Ellen 29 OH) 212/218 Craig Gilbert M. 25 IL (Mary A. 22 IL) 213/219 Smith Robert 45 Ireland (Catharine 40 Ireland) _______ Smith Richard 75 Ireland (father) _______ Joy Thomas 22 Ireland (boarder) _______ Jenks John 45 Ireland (boarder) 214/220 Shay John 60 Ireland (Ellen 47 Ireland) _______ Sullivan Dennis 22 IL (step-son) 215/221 Smith John 43 Ireland (Mary 48 Ireland) |
p. 529A
216/222 Russell James P. 55 OH (Sarah 45 VA) 217/223 Mest John 30 Hess Darmstadt (Elizabeth 29 Hess Darmstadt) 218/224 Master Etta 26 IL (no husband) 219/225 Trail Francis 60 MD (Mary Ann 56 VA) _______ Preston Charles W. 60 MD (brother-in-law) _______ Scott Francis 27 MD (nephew) _______ Smith Thomas 15 NY (servant) _______ Trail Grace 9 IL (niece) _______ Deal G.W. 30 MD (laborer) _______ Grantwith Peter 30 Norway (laborer) 220/226 Eyler Solomon 55 PA (Susannah 42 MD) _______ Stiteley Sarah 79 MD (mother-in-law) 221/227 Feeger? Emanuel 55 PA (Maria A. 50 MD) 222/228 Yontz Samuel 79 MD (Mary 73 PA) 223/229 Gross John C. 60 PA (Elizabeth 58 PA) 224/230 Mullen Daniel 44 Ireland (Sarah E. 38 Ireland) |
p. 529B
224/230 Nevins Thomas 18 Il (step-son) 225/231 Rosenstock Christian 57 Germany (Sarah 57 MD) 226/232 Stiteley Scott 26 MD (Ruhama 26 IL) 227/233 Stiteley G.W. 52 MD (Mary 48 MD) 228/234 Forbes Josiah C. 38 OH (Frances J. 28 MO) 229/235 Raber W.G. 38 IL (M.A. 37 PA) 230/236 Ely Samuel 45 PA (Rebecca 43 PA) 231/237 Hoover Henry 35 PA (Sarah C. 28 MD) _______ Butts Edith E. 8 MD (step-daughter) 232/238 Sheller George 64 PA (Christina 58 PA) _______ Slifer Orion 6 IA (grandson) 233/239 Smith Henry ? 37 PA (Ann 28 OH) [cont'd next page] |
p. 530A
_______ Everhart Ann Eliza 69 MD (mother-in-law) The enumerator makes a mistake in restarting the numbering. 226/232 Mayer David 36 Bavaria (Amelia 31 Wirtemburg) _______ Rothschild Augusta 67 Wirtemburg (mother-in-law) 227/233 O'Neil Dudley 50 NY (Ann 38 England) _______ Lambertz Thomas 62 England (father-in-law) _______ Lambertz Rosamond 64 England (mother-in-law) _______ Gerard Charles H. 28 NY (Ella 25 IL) _______ Hall/Rall Jacob 22 Germany _______ Grim Mahlon 47 MD (boarder) _______ Trace Abram J. 26 PA (workman) _______ Smith Emma 19 PA (servant) _______ Harshaw William 19 IA (boarder) _______ Booz Lee 21 PA (boarder) _______ Schweingath Peter 21 IL (boarder) 228/234 Rockstead A.N. 36 Norway (Stella 28 IL) 229/235 Holman Charles 51 PA (no wife) 230/236 Baird Amanda 26 IL _______ Baird Henry 37 PA 231/237 Hensel John 31 PA (Barbara 20 IL) 232/238 Bushey J. H. 34 PA (Emma 29 NY) 233/239 Smith Josephus B. 42 MD (Angeline 38 OH) 234/240 Philips Leo 36 Baden (Frances 34 OH) _______ Vexert?/Yerpert? Huldah 16 Sweden (servant) |
p. 530B
235/241 Warfield John E. 21 IL (Alma C. 21 WI) 236/242 Warren Sarah B. 25 CT (no husband) _______ Bishop Harriet 50 CT (sister) 237/243 Sutton Maria 88 VT (alone) 238/244 Henson Louis 32 Denmark (Jennie 30 Denmark) 239/245 Smith Albert H. 24 IL (no wife) _______ Miller John W. 39 PA (no wife) 240/246 Jones Amango 49 NY (Ergene? L. 40 NY) _______ Buck Harry 17 IL (workman) 241/247 Shirk Witmer 16 IL (alone) 242/248 Middeldorf Frnak Jos. 32 Prussia (no wife) _______ Stebbins F.B. 21 WI (no wife) 243/249 Seaman Harman 35 Bavaria (alone) 244/250 Hostetter Ephraim 36 PA (no wife) 245/251 Buckmaster H.E. 24 OH (alone) 246/252 Phillips Neptune 24 Atlantic Ocean (alone; parents born Baden) 247/253 Vandagrift Lavinia 43 England (no husband) 248/254 Lafferty John H. 29 PA (Anna M. 22 IL) 249/255 Lang Conrad 23 PA (alone) 250/256 Loveland George C. 33 Il (no wife) _______ McKenny O.F. 36 IL (no wife) 251/257 Patch Benjamin L. 51 PA (alone) 252/258 Miller Phil 52 Il (alone) 253/259 Graber George 43 Hesse Darmstadt (Gertrude 36 Hess Darmstadt) 254/260 Klersey Joseph 64 Prussia (no wife) 255/261 Roberts Loretta 32 IL (alone) 256/262 Wheeler Darius G. 48 NY (alone) 257/263 Miller Elliott 35 PA (Alice E. 35 IA) 258/264 Pratt A.L. 56 NY (E.E. 55 NY) |
p. 531A
[The numbering of these next five lines does not make sense, at least, not to me.] 259/265 Potter?? J.W. 31 NY (son-in-law) 260/266 Pendleton George 29 WI (boarder) 261/267 Hoover Theresa 27 NY (servant) 262/268 Kneal Albert S. 25 IL (boarder) _______ Sheller George M. 23 IL (boarder) 263/269 Chapman Amos T. 31 IL (Ida 21 IL)
p. 531B
273/280 Brown William 31 NY (Candace 29 IL) 274/281 Wildey William H. 41 NY (Emily 37 England) _______ Lucas Mattie 17 IL (servant) _______ Eisenhower Edward 29 PA (workman) 275/282 Fletcher Nelson 61 PA (Sarah R. 62 England) 276/283 Horning Samuel 49 PA (Elizabeth 49 PA) 277/284 Lepman Bernard 51 Prussia (Lena 48 Wirtemburg) _______ Deal Mary 19 IL (servant) 278/285 Hollinger Isaiah 41 PA (L. Annie 35 PA) 279/286 Beeler Sophia 53 MD (no husband) 280/287 Rank William 28 PA (Lillian 22 IL) 280/288 Vandagrift Brice 24 IL (Clara 25 IL) 281/289 Campbell Samuel 59 PA (Mary J. 59 PA) _______ Lautamiller/Lantamiller Catharine 18 Wirtemburg (servant) 282/290 Hamilton S.B. 49 OH (Mary A. 44 IL) |
p. 532A
282/291 Bishop Jessie B. 26 IL (no husband) 283/292 Ashway Henry 54 PA (alone) 284/293 Smith W.C. 37 MD (Rachel Ann 26 IL) _______ Carley Asa 22 NY (boarder) 285/294 Mark Caroline 56 VA (no husband) _______ Prisk Grace 39 England (boarder) 286/295 O'Brian James 57 MD (Mary A. 59 MD) _______ Eddy George 8 IL (grandson) 287/296 Hollinger George 69 PA (Elizbeth 65 PA) _______ Larrimore James 35 PA (boarder) 288/297 Palmer Daniel 47 PA (Catharine 48 PA) 289/298 Stiteley William 29 MD (Emma 24 PA) 290/299 Griffith Hugh 48 PA (Lucy 33 VT) 291/300 Fisher Harvey G. 48 PA (Mary G. 45 PA) 292/301 Farmer Charles 47 NY (Esther E. 37 PA) 293/302 Stuart Luther 60 PA (Hannah 58 PA) |
p. 532B
294/___ Lewis Ellen 50 PA (sister-in-law) 294/303 Akins Benjamin 54 PA (Barbara 49 MD) _______ Akins Ann 90 PA (mother) 295/303 Davis Thomas D. 56 PA (Martha F. 55 PA) 296/304 cole Aaron H. 56 Quebec (Louisa E. 48 Quebec) _______ Freeman F.D. 31 MA (_____) _______ Smith Charles A. 29 KY (_____) _______ Rollins Ella 15 IL (_____) _______ Rollins Wiliam 12 IL (_____) 297/305 Davis Nathaniel M. 25 IL (Zella M. 22 IL) 298/306 Melendy N.H. 52 VT (Abby 44 NY) 299/307 Squires Thomas 48 NY (Paraloxy 44 NY) _______ Segrave Anna M. 43 PA (boarder) 300/308 Lohr Solomon 33 PA (Sarah 28 IL0 301/309 Reinedoller Nelson 37 PA (Susan E. 31 IL) _______ Austin Ann 36 MD (sister-in-law) 302/310 Vandagrift Thomas 60 IL (Jane 56 OH) 303/311 Lohr Jacob 61 PA (Margaret 62 PA) 304/312 Stowell John M. 51 MA (Louisa M. 42 OH) [cont'd next page] |
p. 533A
_______ Lesson Lizzie 19 WI (servant) 305/313 Miles Owen P. 48 PA (Hannah P. 45 PA) _______ Carson Agnes 4 NY (servant) _______ Shirk Susan 69 PA (mother-in-law) 306/314 Van Patten Andrew 37 NY (Jennie 32 IL) 307/315 Blake John G. 59 NY (Betsey 55 MA) _______ Tracy Viola S. 35 NY (daughter) _______ Olney Jessie 14 IL (servant) 308/316 Smith Charles B. 53 VT (Sarah H. 47 VT) _______ Saunderson Mary A. 26 Ireland (servant) 309/317 Shirk Jesse M. 46 PA (Cordelia M. 39 PA) 310/318 Clemoner William 45 PA (Mary A. 49 PA) 311/319 Lake James W. 51 NY (Emily C. 47 NY) 312/320 Oakes Alpha 48 PA (Harriet 52 NY) |
p. 533B
313/321 Moore Seaborn 44 IN (M. Emma 25 IL) _______ Chrisman Millard 22 IL (brother-in-law) _______ Chrisman Hannah M. 44 MD (mother-in-law) 314/322 Fickinger Charles 32 PA (Marilla 31 PA) 315/323 Huston Henry J. 47 Canada West (Almira M. 37 NY) 316/324 Harns Matthias 48 Wirtemburg (Martha 43 PA) 317/325 Windle Ann 74 PA (no husband) 318/326 Hoffman G.L. 32 Hesse Darmstadt (Capitola 21 IL) 319/327 Driesbach Fanny 70 PA (alone) 320/328 Bowman John H. 40 PA (Annie M. 26 PA) 321/329 Seymour Philander 71 PA (Laura M. 66 NY) 322/330 Lago/Lego Henry 40 PA (Alice M. 26 PA) 322/331 Poffenberger Catharine 71 MD (no husband) _______ Price George W. 25 VA (boarder) 323/332 Bucher Jacob 54 Switzerland (Catharine 53 OH) |
p. 534A
324/333 Armor Volney 50 NY (Lucinda 44 NY) _______ Gill Hannah 40 PA (______) 325/334 Haldeman N.H. 27 IL (Mary E. 26 IL) 326/335 Cotton S.C. 47 NH (Annie M. 45 MA) _______ Carpenter Mary M. 38 MA (sister-in-law) 327/336 Hollingsworth Henry 51 MD (Emily M. 51 NY) 328/337 Crummer John 65 Ireland (Mary S. 56 PA) 329/338 Morgan John 60 MD (Sophia 50 MD) _______ Morgan John 21 MD (nephew) 330/339 Stuart Arthur 35 PA (Jennie W. 38 PA) 331/340 Coleman John 48 PA (Mary 41 PA) 332/341 Mertz William J. 56 PA (Elizabeth A. 45 MD) _______ Craig Emma M. 24 IL (daughter) _______ Peters George H. 31 (boarder) 333/342 Mooney James 53 England |
p. 534B
334/343 Nelson Adam B. 35 OH (Ida M. 30 IL) _______ Gansen Martha 57 MD (mother-in-law) 335/343 Shick Jones 41 PA (M. Elizabeth 32 IL) _______ Nason Charles A. 6 IL (_______) 336/334 Shamel/Sharnel Joseph 47 MD (Elizabeth 48 MD) _______ Myers Abram 78 MD (father-in-law) 337/345 Blessing Ann Maria 60 PA (no husband) _______ Reynolds Willard 20 IL (son-in-law) 338/346 Albright Abram 31 IL (Lorena 26 PA) 339/347 Mummert John W. 24 VA (Arilla 20 IL) 340/348 Swartz Oliver 43 Bavaria (Catharine 35 PA) 341/349 Kessel George 67 Bavaria (Cynthia 48? IL) 342/350 Hoover John 41 PA (Ann C. 28 PA) 343/351 King William 32 PA (Elizabeth 28 PA |
p. 535A
344/352 Fisher Elhanan 54 PA (Eliza E. 47 PA) 345/353 Smith David B. 40 PA (Etta J. 28 IA) _______ Cooper John P. 66 PA (father-in-law) _______ Cooper Juliette 68 NY (mother-in-law) _______ Kreps Kate B. 20 PA (servant) 346/354 Kennedy Harriet 56 MD (no husband) 347/355 Kenney Joseph 62 NY (Lydia 60 NY) 348/356 Colehous Harvey 23 IL (Estella 20 IL) 349/357 McLaughlin Jacob N. 23 PA (Sarah J. 17 MD) [Here begin some errors in numbering.] 340/358 Shaner Henry J. 40 PA (Susannah B. 37 PA) 341/359 Hoover Jerry 30 PA (no wife) _______ Hoover Jospeh 28 PA (brother) 342/360 Baird William P. 66 PA (no wife) _______ Wooton Mary 26 IL (servant) 343/361 Everhart Jacob 44 MD (Elizabeth 34 IL) _______ Reedy George 16 PA (boarder) 344/362 Eley Leander 44 PA (Elizabeth 39 PA) 345/363 Shamel Anne 46 PA (no husband) _______ Colehous Charles 18 IL (son) |
p. 535B
35?/364 Shilling William W. 32 IN (Eliza 31 PA) _______ Shilling David 64 MD (father) _______ King Sarah J. 51 PA (mother-in-law) 356/365 Graham Daniel 36 IL (Anna B. 30 IL) 357/366 Poffenberger Samuel 25 IL (Louisa D. 19 IL) _______ Deeds Bell 16 IL (boarder) 358/367 Lashee/Lashes/Lasher George W. 40 IL (Alice 32 NJ) 359/368 Lego Clarence 30 IL (Ida 21 MD) 360/369 Blough Noah 30 IN (Mary 29 IL) 361/370 Tracy Frank D. 38 MS (_______) _______ Bailey Norah 10 IL (_______) _______ Poffenberger Mary 3 IL (_______) _______ Buck Mary 22 IL (_______) _______ Kallenback Rose 7 IL (_______) _______ Kester John L. 31 PA (_______) 362/371 Greenleaf Fred W. 33 ME (Mary J? 30 IL) _______ Hostetter Irvine 23 IL (brother-in-law) _______ Irvine Amanda M. 69 NY (_______) 363/___ Lyman Charles 21 MA (_______) _______ Harnish Benjamin 28 PA (_______) |
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